I’m asking because I genuinely don’t know - does a Roman Catholic have to “join” the Byzantine Church. Aren’t we in full communion with one another?
Good question, JimO! Here’s the short answer…
Many folks (including a lot of Catholics!) don’t realize that the Catholic Church is actually comprised of 23
sui iuris Churches (
sui iuris roughly translates to “self-governing”) - the Western Catholic Church, commonly referred to as the Roman or Latin Catholic Church, and 22 Eastern Catholic Churches. While each of these Churches may have its own church heierarchy, liturgical traditions and canonical regulations,
all are
Catholic, every bit as Catholic as the Roman Catholic Church.
All recognize our Holy Father JPII as the universal pastoral shepherd of the Catholic Church on Earth.
You are correct that as Catholics each of us is absolutely free to worship and partake of the Sacraments (Holy Mysteries, as they’re referred to in the East) at
any other Catholic Church, Eastern or Western. Each Catholic individual, however, can only officially “belong” to one of the 23 Churches (
usually by virtue of the Church of the individual’s Baptism).
To illustrate by example, a Roman Catholic individual is free to spend his entire life worshipping in the Byzantine Catholic tradition, without officially “joining” that Church. Despite his lifelong loyalty and participation in the Byzantine Catholic Church, he would remain “officially” a Roman Catholic, because that is the Church of his canonical affiliation… that’s the Church he’s “on the books” of.
Catholics may, however,
officially change canonical Church affiliation once per lifetime. For example, if the Roman Catholic fellow in the paragraph above is so drawn to Eastern spirituality and Eastern Catholicism that he wants to, say, ensure the passing of his love of Eastern Spirituality on to his children, he may request a Change of Canonical Affiliation (not sure of the formal name for the process) through Rome, thereby “officially” becoming a Byzantine Catholic. Be aware of this: Change of Canonical Affiliation is a one-shot deal, allowed by the Catholic Church only
once per an individual’s lifetime - it should not be undertaken lightly.
That’s what’s so great about our Catholic Church, though!
All the riches inherent in
all the Churches are free for the taking to
any Catholic individual! No need to “officially” join! My personal belief is that we, as Catholics, do ourselves a huge disservice by not experiencing Catholicism in as many “flavors” as we can!
Whew!! Guess my answer wasn’t that “short” after all!
a pilgrim