I just thought it was interesting and worth checking out. This movie seems to at least attempt to portray both sides of the issue. So it might be a good springboard for honest debate and discussion.
Years ago, I was for same-sex marriage. But not, thank God, now. Now, to me, it’s so simple: marriage throughout human history has always been based on the physical complementarity of man and woman.
If same-sex attracted individuals want to establish partnerships, it is certainly possible for them to do so. But it is impossible that these partnerships can be properly termed marriage.
Typically what proponents of same-sex ‘marriage’ do to advance their case is to point to less-than-ideal marriages and try to draw a parallel to homosexual partnerships. This should be a challenge to us as Christians, that at least OUR marriages will strive to fulfill God’s expectations.
For example, I would say the widespread acceptance of contraception has weakened marriage, but also weakened men’s and women’s understanding of what marriage (and sex) even is meant to be. This is why, for instance, a couple who have contracepted their whole married life have trouble arguing that their marriage is qualitatively different from a homosexual partnership. I would say that it still is, but by their sin they have obscured that distinction. Maybe they would not even try to argue that it is different - in their minds maybe there is no meaningful difference anymore. These are the many straight people who are backing same-sex marriage. Because let’s emphasize, there are nowhere near enough same-sex couples to lobby for this on their own.
When more Catholics make the effort to accept and live this (non-optional) teaching of the Church on contraception, along with the sacrifices it entails, we will be blessed in many ways. And we will be able to pass that blessing on to our country, which is struggling to find its moral compass.