CAF 'official' thread - Star Wars IX speculation

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Looks pretty good. Hope they don’t mess it up like the last one
Is that Palpatine’s laugh?!

Yes. I watched the live stream from Celebration, and after they screened the trailer, Ian McDiarmid came out and said in his Palpatine voice, “Roll it again.” So he’s definitely back.
I prefer real Asian Martial.Arts drama like “The House of Flying Dragons”. Star Wars is really just a dupe lacking the whole nuances of martial arts for me now. It was awesome in my teens. Han Solo and Darth Vader are pretty hot. Or … used to be. Now I just want the real.thing if I do.
The whole - my enemy is my greatest teacher - kind of philosophy, without the meaningless droid details, thank you.
Uhhhhh…Mary…ummmmmm…this is a nerd thread. Please abide by our nerdy principles or…well - we’ll all be really upset.

Yes, Flying Dragons was a great flick. Yes, we’re all fans of Kurasawa and Mifune. Yes, we all watched “Hidden Fortress” 10x to find all the Star Wars stuff. But still. Dude. It’s Star Wars!!

Wow. I mean…Wow.

I move that this become the official CAF Star Wars Speculation Thread.
It’s going to be interesting having Palps back – it would definitely help tie the saga together (and after TLJ, it needs it, amirite?) But it does seem a little “rabbits out of hats” as Snoke, the alleged big bad of TFA and TLJ, was unceremoniously killed with not even an explanation as to who he was or what his deal was.

Still, who can argue with another serving of that wonderful Ian McDiarmid ham:grinning:
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I would argue - stay with me here - that if you bring Palpatine back, you have to - or at least open the door to bringing a lot of people back, no? Who are the obvious ones: Luke, Yoda, ObiWan (McGregor version) - and of course, dare I say it - Vader. Surely they’re not going to sign up Hayden Christensen for another go?
Ok - now I’m really going off the deep end. We know Kylo Ren is a Skywalker. We know fraternal twins run in the Skywalker family. We know the movie’s title is “Rise of Skywalker”. So…dare I say it…
Oh, don’t get me wrong – I’m definitely on board with the idea of being able to bring people back in the SWU – in Rebels they introduced the “world between worlds” which was basically a big time-travel hub that Ahsoka used to escape her being trapped in a Sith temple (and which the heroes almost used to save Kaanan from being killed in an explosion), and then there was Momin in the Darth Vader comics who was able to “body hop” and came close to teaching Vader a trick to bring the dead back to life (specifically Padme, but, well, y’ know canon doomed that one to failure…). So it’s not far-fetched at all.

It’s just at this particular moment, after The Last Jedi proved so controversial, that bringing back fan-favorite characters like The Emperor, who they’d have to set up as a sort of Thanos figure for it to make any sense, seems like an obvious “course correction” to win back the fans than anything organic to the story we’ve been seeing. I’m still intrigued to see how they pull it off and would love to see MacDiarmid step into the role one last time, though,
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So Leia is in this one. I’m interested to see how they make that work! I still want Rey to be Leia’s lost daughter even though I know that’s probably not happening. But these movies have a serious lack of any sort of mother/daughter relationships and I just want to see that.

I’m going with the idea that Palpatine is only a cameo in this, and not the main villain, it feels like too big of a spoiler to reveal in the first trailer.

Unless…maybe Rey is Palpatine’s creation??? (Only slightly kidding)
So Leia is in this one. I’m interested to see how they make that work! I still want Rey to be Leia’s lost daughter even though I know that’s probably not happening. But these movies have a serious lack of any sort of mother/daughter relationships and I just want to see that.
JJ Abrams said they had some unused footage of Leia from Episode 7, so they used that footage to work her into the story.
Same here.

If you think about it, this movie has a lot to do. Not only does it tie up this trilogy, but also ties up the original and prequel trilogies as well. That’s a pretty tall order.

Best case scenario, it delivers on all these things and retroactively redeems Last Jedi for all those who disliked it.
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