No different monastery.
Our health care system is quite good but is a financial burden on our economy. One way the government helps keep it affordable is by charging seniors more for some things. For exanole, in my province seniors pay $300 for each use of an ambulance whereas th rest of the population pays something like $40. But there are drug plans for seniors here, but everyone else has to get private insurance or pay out of pocket for them. Yes there are plenty of retirement homes but they are expensive. The government will subsidize the cost but even still some people cant really afford it. For someone without resources or helpful children it would be like living in a hospital room with four other people, barely any personal space, terrible food and an ugly home. It wouldnt be an easy life on top of all the normal difficulties that come with aging.
As for my own health. Thanks for remembering! It abruptly changed, which was a HUGE surprise and now I’m ok to enter after a waiting period. Mom is 60 and no, the sisters dont leave their monastery except for medical necessity.
I will do whatever God wants even if it is very difficult, but part of discernment is using your head to see if you have anything depriving you of being able to enter like certain disabilities or dependents. While my mom is not currently a dependent of mine so I meet the qualifications, I feel that because she is my parent (and especially considering our society’s complete lack of care or appreciation for the elderly) I must ensure she is not left alone amd completely abandoned when she is in need.
I see, have you ever thought that your sudden healing may be a miracle sent by our Lord to help you to follow your vocation?
It may seem like a coincidence, but I think there may be more to it than that.
However I can definitely understand how it’s a difficult decition to make, but remember that if you decide to enter religious life you will still be years away from making your eternal vowes.
It’s quite common that novices drop out at some point if they finds out that they may have misunderstood their vocation/ calling.
It seems so, so striced that they never grant permission to visit ones parrents at least once every year. I know that it’s the common practice and that the purpose of it is to make you 100 per cent commited to God, but I hoped they made exceptions if needed (case to case).
I am thinking of/ deserning a vocation to the religious life myself or to the priesthood, but the though of never seeing my family again makes me hesitate a lot.
I know that if I become a priest I’ll be able to visit my parents at least once a year, but Im afraid of the lonelyness that has to go along with that sort of life.
Anyways, sorry for hijacking your thread

At least Im happy to hear that your health has improved and I hope you’ll find the answers your looking for and remember that regardless of how you live your life God will Allways grant you the opportunity to serve him wherever you are.
Others needs will always be there for us to fulfil.
Know that you’re in my prayers dear sister

I’ll light a candle for you at mass today or tomorrow.
Be at peace and put your trust in The Lord
Yours in Jesus and Mary