Calling All Religious!

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I’m hoping this goes over well. I realize many do like to keep a great deal private, and I respect that…

Having said that. I’ve been trying to brainstorm as to how to encourage young teens to think about religious vocations. I’ve come up with a few thoughts, but then had this one.

How many of you would be willing to share your stories (publicly) of how God touched your life in a way that was so loving that made you not only consider giving your life over to him, but accomplishing it. Your struggles along the way, but even more importantly- What are some of the blessings you’ve received from living this life. This is for the benefit of not only the people on this forum, but I am planning on teaching 7th, 8th graders- who are preparing to be confirmed. Any offerings would be greatly appreciated.

It seems that too often, young people are discouraged from even thinking about the religious life because they would be missing out on pleasures in the flesh, but I’m trying to document how many pleasure of God can come from devoting your life to him. And by doing that also demonstrate how many, many times these rewards are much greater than any we can reap by living our lives for ourselves.

I realize reading about the Saints lives would be very beneficial to them also, but was trying to hit home to this modern day a bit more if possible.

Thanks and God bless you!

I didn’t mean to limit it to Priests, or nuns, really anyone who could share a bit of their faith would be excellent.
to be honest, i’m a little worried that you’re trying to get that age group to consider ANY vocation. While some people know what they want to do in Junior high(I’ve wanted my career to be God since third grade, don’t ask me how), most have no clue.

come to think of it, i don’t think i thought at all about a career in ANYTHING in junior high. I was just waiting to get into the great adventure of high school(i’m a senior now, it aint so great)
If you truly are trying to suggest religious careers, don’t do so in a desperate way. I know many churches are looking for anyone to fill voids in staff. pray about your students, and seek out those who God instructs you to. Remember, even simply planting the seed of “Hey, i think you may be good for ministry. You should consider it”, can be useful to God.
come to think of it, i don’t think i thought at all about a career in ANYTHING in junior high. I was just waiting to get into the great adventure of high school(i’m a senior now, it aint so great)[/font
I was right with you in that line of thinking at that age. What I was hoping for was to more give them a spark of interest. Sometimes you can hear an inspiring story, and it can truly change your priorities.

I’m coming from the perspective that when I was in religion classes I got absolutely nothing out of them. I’m not saying it was all the fault of the teacher, a lot had to do with my attitude about the whole situation.

I’m looking for ideas, stories that can get their attention. Not necessarily just for religious vocations, but mostly just so that they will say YES I want to be confirmed in the Catholic faith.
I think this is a task for every member of the Church,who loves the Church. The single most important thing, that will keep kids interested, involved and wanting to know more is the lives of those already in the church.

If young people are part of a vital community of good people whose lives are grounded in faith then the youth will see that and want that good thing for themselves. No amount of talk, no books, nothing will influence them to the same degree as seeing the positive influence of a faith well lived.

People who embrace the faith and let the fruits flow in their lives are the best advertisement the church has.

You seem like one of those people. The students are lucky to have you, your genuine enthusiasm and interest, your openess, is influencing them more than you know. You are making the implausible a valid option for them, you are nudging the door open a little bit more!

to be honest, i’m a little worried that you’re trying to get that age group to consider ANY vocation. While some people know what they want to do in Junior high(I’ve wanted my career to be God since third grade, don’t ask me how), most have no clue.

come to think of it, i don’t think i thought at all about a career in ANYTHING in junior high. I was just waiting to get into the great adventure of high school(i’m a senior now, it aint so great)
If you truly are trying to suggest religious careers, don’t do so in a desperate way. I know many churches are looking for anyone to fill voids in staff. pray about your students, and seek out those who God instructs you to. Remember, even simply planting the seed of “Hey, i think you may be good for ministry. You should consider it”, can be useful to God.
Really? I am going into 8th grade, and I am seriously considering the priesthood. Pope St Pius X was called to the priesthood as a child as well.
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