Camps for teens with Anger Issues-Need info

  • Thread starter Thread starter LynnieLew
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I am looking for a camp or summer program for teens with anger issues. The person who I am finding this out for is looking for an imersion program.

She is NOT looking for one of those boot camps in the wilderness that you see on televiison.

Thank you for your quick replies!

I have heard of these camps. Often though, these camps will be ineffective if the home life of that teen is really at the core of why he/she is so angry. I have seen friends put their children through intervention programs, for example…only to go back into the same dysfunctional household. Not saying this is the case here, but if it is…the teen won’t change if he/she’s environment on a daily basis remains the same. Sometimes, families need to change, in order to help the troubled teen.
This is not the case for this family. The familiy is supportive, they are well aware of their responsibility.
This camp is to be used as a learning tool for him.
Getting a psychiatric evaluation, then perhaps asking the psychologist for a recommendation of a camp would be one idea. Or calling counseling facilities to see if they know of any camps or programs for teenagers with anger issues would be another good idea.
I met a doctor at the Apostolate for Family Consecration one summer and his specialty was anger in teens and anger period. His name is Dr. Richard P. Fitzgibbons and he is Catholic. He does have a website that maybe you can email him to see if he knows of any camps. He counseled my husband and will tell you the root of anger is unforgiveness. He also has other areas of expertise. He is a psychologist. Check out his website for priest, but maybe you can contact him or find another website using his name:
Another site is:
It’s not a camp, but a series of cds for parents who have troubled teens by Dr. James Lerner. It’s called the Total Transformation Program and it changed our lives. Please pass this along to them, have them try it first. You just never know.

The toll free number is 800-782-1182
This is not the case for this family. The familiy is supportive, they are well aware of their responsibility.
This camp is to be used as a learning tool for him.
I wasn’t saying otherwise, I was merely stating ‘if’ that were the case. I hope that the camp helps.
Oh, please don’t misunderstand. I knew what you were saying, I was just shedding a little mroe light on the situation.😉
I wasn’t saying otherwise, I was merely stating ‘if’ that were the case. I hope that the camp helps.
besides good psych help at this time - and testing to see what dx’s can be made - the Feingold diet eliminating artificial chemicals from food can really help kids. Corn syrup can cause some kids to get very irate. Reactions to food or ingredients can last for a week or more. They don’t necessarily come right after eating the food, either. The reaction may come hours or days later.
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