Can a Catholic go to a SSPX mass

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Well we all know how these threads go down but I know I don’t have to go to Mass if tye bishop dispenses it but It’s going to be really weird if I can’t go to mass on Easter Sunday so my question can I go to mass at the SSPX chapel and receive communion there. I know there sacraments are valid but are they licit.
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Under such situations, the Lord provides. People should not be deprived of the sacraments, so if need be in times like this and no other mass is available, then do so of course, even if you wouldn’t normally.
If the bishop has suspended public Masses, that applies to the SSPX.
Are the SSPX under the jurisdiction of “regular” diocesan bishops ? This is something I’ve been wondering about.
Interesting link, thank you. So technically, a SSPX chapel could go on holding public Masses even though the local ordinary said otherwise ?
As far as I know, it’s the case in my country. SSPX still has public mass with contact tracing, even though local mass is postponed.
I would submit that what is more important is not providing funeral directors with more business.

People are contagious for several days before symptoms appear. Among the elderly and those with compromised immune systems, death can, and has occurred within hours of the onset of symptoms.

God gave us the Eucharist as the greatest of gifts. Not all can receive this gifts - only Catholics in a state of grace.

God also gave us common sense; and reality teaches us that not all appear to have it or be able to exercise it.

We have no clue at this time as to how many people are actually infected, in part because symptoms do not appear for days, and in part because those who are healthy and in particular the young may show no symptoms, or such mild ones they do not recognize they are infected.

If the bishop or the archbishop of a diocese shuts down Masses or severely limits the number who may attend, and an SSPX chapel refuses to comply, they show their unwillingness to follow legitimate authority. In doing so, they risk not only the passing of infection among their laity, but also risk those who might be infected in turn infecting others who are not part of that group. The real world statistics is that the infection doubles every 6.2 days, which is far more volatile than the regular flu.

Our earthly existence is not endangered by the withdrawl of Mass. Japanese Catholics went @ 200 years without a priest an maintained the faith.
That we exist…in the first place.Physically.
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Can you post some pictures of Christ the King church or the chapel? I need some consolation.
Yes, as long as they don’t resist Pope Francis legitimate orders and magisterium and as long as they are not sedevacantists.
Our earthly existence is not endangered by the withdrawl of Mass.
St. Padre Pio once said that the earth could exist more easily without the sun than without Holy Mass.
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And the Japanese Catholics survived 200 years without a priest; so I fail to see that a few weeks of you not being able to attend Mass is going to endanger your spiritual life. It might, in fact, enhance it as you contemplate on the fact that world wide, there are many Catholics who do not have the Mass available - Brazil included.

You need to be telling this to the bishops who are doing their best to protect both the spiritual and actual lives of their congregants.

And apparently you have no problem endangering the lives of those priests who would be providing those sacraments in the midst of a pandemic. People who have the virus are contagious before they are showing symptoms; so no problem, expose the priest to literally a thousand or more people who may be contagious. The bishops are not only protecting the laity; they are protecting their priests.
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Padre Pio said many things; and given how he lived his life, I suspect he would be one of the first to obey a directive from his bishop to not say Mass.
And it is also true that you can spread this virus before having any symptoms yourself. So you could be spreading it without even knowing. You may think it’s worth the risk to yourself, but what about the risk to others?
IIRC, Padre Pio was forbidden to publicly say Mass and hear confessions of the faithful for ~ 10 years. Then the Holy See lifted the ban.
Thank you for posting the lovely pictures! They bring back good memories.
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