Can a layman bless things?

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I just finished setting up an icon corner and want to get it blessed. But I’m not going to be able to get a priest to come over any time soon lol.
So can I just use some holy water and bless it myself? And is there a certain blessing for icon corners/home alters?
Nothing prohibits you from doing what you propose. A person (anyone) may bless those in his/her charge — a spouse, children, etc. and their own homes (thinking Epiphany chalking) and so forth. It’s important, however, to understand that you’re not getting the same “level” of blessing as you might from clergy. The Book of Blessings spells out these things best.
A priest told me recently that a layman can pray to God for His blessing upon different things. And we can sprinkle holy water on objects and places and repeat the Name of Jesus. But we cannot bless them under our own power or say anything like “In the name of the Lord I bless you” or “In the power of the Church…” That is reserved for the priest. But he did encourage me to go around the house and sprinkle holy water while repeating the name of Jesus.
I think that is so wonderful that you have set up a home altar. That is such a beautiful custom. I hope your priest comes soon!
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A layperson can ask God to bless things, and traditionally parents would ask God to bless their children by making the sign of the cross in the air with their thumb.

However, only a validly ordained man can actually bless objects.

I like to say things such as “May God bless this [insert name of object here], in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen”.

In this way, you are not pretending you have powers to bless. Rather you are asking for God’s graces to be bestowed on the item or person.

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