Hi there!
I would venture to say that yes, life without sex can be as fulfilling as a life with sex. I think the critical issue to keep in mind when it comes to sex and happiness is socio-cultural context. As Robertanthony said, contemporary Western society virtually worships youth, beauty and sex culture - the underlying message being that if you’re not having sex, or at the very least not expressing a dying, tortured need to have sex, there’s something wrong with you.
The decision to remain celibate, in order to be the right one, has to be made in sincere alignment with God’s will. If, in your heart of hearts, you want more than anything to be married and have children, then choosing to be celibate will inevitably make you feel frustrated, resentful, bitter, angry and permanently unhappy at some point down the road. The same logic applies to people like myself who have never felt called to marriage or having children and are happy and at peace being single and celibate.
There is no perfect state of life. Any state of life, whether married, religious or celibate, involves making a choice, i.e. commitment, which means that inevitably we choose to value something over something else. That doesn’t mean that we never go through periods of doubting, questioning and wondering if the grass wasn’t greener next door after all. I would venture to say that most people who choose to remain celibate struggle with their sexual urges from time to time (i.e. envying people who have sex - I know I do on occasion
), just as people who are married struggle with marital problems from time to time, (i.e. envying people who aren’t married).
It’s all about right alignment with God, commitment, and what we value above all else.
Just my two cents.