I hope this is in the right forum - I am curently in RCIA, and I have a couple of questions - I hope that is ok.
I went to a wonderful and very moving Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe on 12th December. They were giving out small cards of her image there. I’ve stuck it to my kitchen wall so I see it every time I go in there, and I say a Hail Mary. First, is that okay? And it is fine to say a Hail Mary outwith the context of a Rosary? May I check that I’m right in thinking that when I pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe, I am praying to Mary, mother of Christ, but with a special intention for the unborn? Is that right and it’s Mary? I think I’m in danger of getting confused. Also, I just realised today that I have been praying to Mary (Hail Mary…), when I see the image, but I haven’t been praying to God specifically at the same time - for example, I don’t have a crucifix in my home to do something similar. Does this matter, or should I do this first? Obviously I am aware of the relationship betweeen Mary and Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but as all of this is quite new to me (I am from an Anglican tradition), I don’t want to do anything inappropriate.
Ps - Thank you for the question about the Easter vigil, I’d been wondering what happened. I am excited, but also very nervous.
I went to a wonderful and very moving Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe on 12th December. They were giving out small cards of her image there. I’ve stuck it to my kitchen wall so I see it every time I go in there, and I say a Hail Mary. First, is that okay? And it is fine to say a Hail Mary outwith the context of a Rosary? May I check that I’m right in thinking that when I pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe, I am praying to Mary, mother of Christ, but with a special intention for the unborn? Is that right and it’s Mary? I think I’m in danger of getting confused. Also, I just realised today that I have been praying to Mary (Hail Mary…), when I see the image, but I haven’t been praying to God specifically at the same time - for example, I don’t have a crucifix in my home to do something similar. Does this matter, or should I do this first? Obviously I am aware of the relationship betweeen Mary and Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but as all of this is quite new to me (I am from an Anglican tradition), I don’t want to do anything inappropriate.
Ps - Thank you for the question about the Easter vigil, I’d been wondering what happened. I am excited, but also very nervous.