CAN ANYONE HELP ME??????????????????

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I was invited to join a group on Yahoo!, and it’s called Catholic Debate. I thought that it was a Catholic who founded this group, but I learned that it was started by a protestant who didn’t know what the faith was about and wanted to invite people to argue over it and people are coming in, more protestants than Catholics and saying outrageous things about the church and what she teaches. I’ve given apologetics along with some other Catholics on this site, but it doesn’t seem to be enough. Can any of you who are strong in your faith come and help me with this? The group is called CatholicDebate. (yes, the Catholic and Debate are supposed to be connected, that’s what you should look for when searching the group)

Thank you, God bless!
If I were a Roman Catholic, I would cease debating:
"By a decree of Alexander IV (1254-1261) inserted in “Sextus Decretalium”, Lib. V, c. ii, and still in force, all laymen are forbidden, under threat of excommunication, to dispute publicly or privately with heretics on the Catholic Faith. The text reads: “Inhibemus quoque, ne cuiquam laicæ personæ liceat publice vel privatim de fide catholicâ disputare. Qui vero contra fecerit, excommunicationis laqueo innodetur.” (We furthermore forbid any lay person to engage in dispute, either private or public, concerning the Catholic Faith. Whosoever shall act contrary to this decree, let him be bound in the fetters of excommunication.)
Read the whole thing for

Thanks to David T. King for finding this quote for me!
ONE-A heretic is defined as such:One who has been baptized and has been handed the true faith and accepted, or has been taught the faith from childhood, and after such events, has left the faith and denied it to proclaim another doctrine which is not true. I don’t believe any of these people from talking to them fit this description at all.

TWO-I am now asking that only those who can actually help me reply, not hard feelings, just don’t want a whole bunch of useless replies, thanx anyway!

God bless!
I think your time would be better spent discussing the Church with people who really want to know answers than feeding trolls. Paul, in 2 Tim 2:14-26 warns us against engaging in useless debates. They profane the name of the Lord, serves no useful purpose, and harms those who listen. There are plenty of people out there who troll the internet, setting snares for unwary Catholics by asking them about the truth of the Church. THey sound sincere, but once you get into discussions with them, they seem hell-bent on disproving everything you say. Are there some sincere people out there who are potential converts? Yes! But you can tell a potential convert from a troller simply by their disposition to what you have to say. If their questions are asked in humility and love, they are probably sincere. If they just seem to try to draw you into debate, they are probably a troller. Just a heads up. “I send you out as sheep amongst the wolves. Be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves.”
If I were a Roman Catholic, I would cease debating:
By this quote are you implyng we are all ex-comunicated, including Karl Keating?

As to the original post, why don’t you mention these forums as a source for answers, if that is allowed?
Argue with them if you think that you can help them. If they are attacking your faith without want to hear your side, do not debate with them. Your faith is greater than their polemic. Do not be distressed that they are attacking what you believe, be distressed in that they have lost their way.

You know what is true,
Is there a web address or link you can post?
It’s at Go to groups, then search in religion, then Christianity, then I think you can find your way to CatholicDebate, which is the name of the group.

Vita in Christo!

Robert H.
Originally Posted by TertiumQuid
*If I were a Roman Catholic, I would cease debating:

… Read the whole thing for
Thanks to David T. King for finding this quote for me!
You and your friend Mr. King don’t seem to understand the difference between canonically imposed discipline and immutable de fide dogmas. The former is not immutable, whereas the latter is. The 1909 Catholic Encyclopedia discusses canonical disciplines that were in effect in 1909, but are not necessarily in effect today. If we lived in 1909, your advice would be useful, but since we don’t, it’s rather absurd.

In 1917, the canonical prohibitions discussed in the article you quote were codified by the 1917 Code of Canon Law, canon 1325, which forbade Catholics to engage in debates or conferences with non-Catholics without dispensation.

Yet, in 1965, Pope Paul VI wrote in Nostra Aetate:
The Church, therefore, exhorts her sons, that through dialogue and collaboration with the followers of other religions, carried out with prudence and love and in witness to the Christian faith and life, they recognize, preserve and promote the good things, spiritual and moral, as well as the socio-cultural values found among these men.
In 1964, Pope Paul VI wrote in Unitatis redintegratio:
"The Sacred [Vatican II] Council exhorts all the Catholic faithful to recognize the signs of the times and to take an active and intelligent part in the work of ecumenism. … Catholics, in their ecumenical work, must assuredly be concerned for their separated brethren, praying for them, keeping them informed about the Church, making the first approaches toward them. … The attainment of union is the concern of the whole Church, faithful and shepherds alike. This concern extends to everyone, according to his talent, whether it be exercised in his daily Christian life or in his
theological and historical research." (Unitatis redintegratio, 4-5)
Furthermore, the 1983 Code of Canon Law, states:
Can. 755 §1 It pertains especially to the entire College of Bishops and to the Apostolic See to foster and direct among Catholics the ecumenical movement, the purpose of which is the restoration of unity between all Christians which, by the will of Christ, the Church is bound to promote.
§2 It is a matter likewise for Bishops and, in accordance with the law, for Episcopal Conferences, to promote this same unity and, in line with the various needs and opportunities of the circumstances, to issue practical norms which accord with the provisions laid down by the supreme authority of the Church.
Dear Friend:
I’m sorry about your experience, with debating Protestants…
I likewise got into debating the Catholic Truth with some Protestants on a Forum…WOW I was totally shocked at what they came out with… I did up to a point start to defend the Church until the Owner of this Forum came in and added his 2 cents…Which included 10 pages of anti-catholic stuff. Obviously I was overwelmed…which after reading Karl Keatings book I calmed down…
However, from my experience… these people would not listen to one thing I said…They kept attacking and never even read what I had to say… So I gave up…I was getting very angry…which was sinful…therefore I quit…
Sorry, but I can’t help…just too upsetting…
Good Luck though.
I think your time would be better spent discussing the Church with people who really want to know answers than feeding trolls. Paul, in 2 Tim 2:14-26 warns us against engaging in useless debates. They profane the name of the Lord, serves no useful purpose, and harms those who listen. There are plenty of people out there who troll the internet, setting snares for unwary Catholics by asking them about the truth of the Church. THey sound sincere, but once you get into discussions with them, they seem hell-bent on disproving everything you say. Are there some sincere people out there who are potential converts? Yes! But you can tell a potential convert from a troller simply by their disposition to what you have to say. If their questions are asked in humility and love, they are probably sincere. If they just seem to try to draw you into debate, they are probably a troller. Just a heads up. “I send you out as sheep amongst the wolves. Be wise as serpents, but gentle as doves.”
I agree with you. If they’ve set up this group to debate Catholics specifically, they’re not interested in anything but tearing the church down. Wonder how some call themselves Christian :confused:
You have to realize these people are going to churches probably three and four times a week… and listening to sermons over and over that reinforce what they believe. They might here a reasonable point from the Catholic side and start to question things…but then they are back in church on Sunday listening to a charasmatic speaker go over their particular faith fundamentals again and again. That’s probably all they hear. They believe that these preachers are men of God after all and they believe that since they called upon the Holy Spirit to lead them that the Holy Spirit has indeed led them to believe a certain way.

Its hard to kick against all that.

dream wanderer
I don’t know that I have the required expertise to help out, or I would. If you want to chuck the Catholic point of view around amongst (mostly) Protestants on what seems like a friendly enough family and marriage themed site, I’ve just discovered the FamilyLife website, complete with forum. Someone informed me that they have a theology forum, but I haven’t found it yet. I’m mostly trying to (name removed by moderator)ut the Catholic view of whatever it is they’re talking about that sounds interesting, in the hopes that it might make someone somewhere think a little, or question what he’s heard about the Church. There are a couple of hard-cores there, but most people are just chatty. It doesn’t require quite as high-level apologetics.
There are people in these forums who approach Catholics the same way as those you describe. I had an ongoing debate with someone concerning the founders of churches etc… Every time I gave him logical, historical and biblical responses, I would then ask him for the same. I never got anything substantive from him, only further attacks. This kind of person does not want a debate. They have already formulated their attack so that when you give a response, they are already prepared with their negative attack. It really doesn’t do any good for you or the faith to get caught up within the back and forth. They don’t want to hear your faith, they want to shake it and draw you away. I finally decided to just let go and move on. I was just happy to have the chance to further my own knowledge of the one true faith and will be able to better defend it when someone with an honest desire to listen asks about it. Shake the dust of this “debate” from you feet, if there are truly people on this site yearning to learn the truth the Holy Spirit will guide them. Pray for them to find this forum and for those who hate our faith so much that they would lie and pervert the truth just to shake someone’s faith. These are not lovers of Christ, they are haters of truth and need our prayers.
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