Father WHY do U not try and write a Book, something for the Wee small children.
How’s about when Santa visited the Stable in Bethlehem and Jesus was in the Manger, WHAT DID SANTA bring for Jesus and so U think He liked it Children?!
Did he hear the reindeer’s bells outside as they waited impatiently to go visit all the other Wwe children across the worldly skies.
One thing for sure Father, Is Santa did not sing
When Santa got stuck up the chimney,
He began to shoit
U girls and boys won’t get any toys unless u pull me out,
There’s soot in myvsack my beard is black and my nose is tickling too,
Ohhh when Santa got stuck up the chimney achoo achoo achoo.
Y!!! Because there would not be a chimney in the stable of course!!!
Do Santa went through the stable door, And he knelt down and kissed babby Jesus on his forehead, And, left him a secret pressie.
AND kids remember this, It is Jesus Birthday, And no one ever brings Him a Birthday pressie anymore, Do u want to light him a birthday candle and make him and his mum and dad a card or a secret message prayer. He would love them all.
He grew up and died for us all. He loves ya all so much, And he was just a baby on Christmas day, all, them years ago.
We remember now don’t we.
He was our friend, And our Hope.
Happy Birthday Jrsus
Congratulations Mary mum, And Joseph Dad, And
Hope this is a good book for U too write up properly Father, And it is good positive feedback.
Happy Christmas To All Our hardworking Fathers and Holy Elect.