Can anyone here translate this for me?

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Can anyone here translate this for me?

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I think it’s Russian?
I bought this at a Catholic store several years back and it has been packed away, just recently came across it again.
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The bottom part is the Our Father in Slavonic, with Molitva Hospodnya (The Prayer of the Lord) as a title.
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The top left picture is:

Da lyubite druh druha =
“Love one another”
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And the right side of the top picture says “по вере вашей да будет вам” = according to your faith.
So the entire phrase is “may you love one another according to your faith” .
The top picture bottom right is:

Po verye vashe da budet vam

According to your faith be it unto you
It opens up to several icons inside, I’m not home right now but I will post a picture of it within the next hour.
The icons are all of Jesus, his nativity, baptism, transfiguration and resurrection.
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I actually had a similar problem. I found a small icon that I was able to have a priest identify, but it had writing on the back in Cyrillic. Luckily, I can read Cyrillic. Unluckily. I do not speak any language that uses it. I eventually found that it was in Ukrainian, and was describing what the icon was and its importance.
There are differences between Ukrainian and Russian even though both use the same characters.
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Sorry it took me so long to post, I got tied up.
It’s the nativity, baptism, transfiguration and resurrection
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I’m still looking for someone on here who can translate Armenian as I have this picture of a prayer card of St. Mesrop Mashtots that I can’t read.
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