Can anyone lift my spirits?

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Greetings Catholic Answer-persons!

I recently started at a new job about 7 months ago. Just today I found out that some people at my workplace are trying to get me fired :(. I found out right before I had to give a talk for 2 hours. I managed to find the strength to carry through the presentation (it went okay). But afterwards I just hit rock bottom. The long bus ride home was unpleasant to say the least. I’m feeling really, really low right now.


Anybody have any words of inspiration that could help me get out of the gutter?

I don’t work on Tuesdays so I think I might pass by a church tomorrow and sit by the blessed sacrament for a while. Does anyone else do this? Anybody have any suggestions?

What do you do to lift your spirits when you are so discouraged? 😦
Greetings Catholic Answer-persons!

What do you do to lift your spirits when you are so discouraged? 😦
Just what you did…I come here! I’ll pray for your spirits to be lifted. Don’t ever go it alone when you are discouraged…stop by and visit Jesus tomorrow…He’s always home and He always listens…
and we do too!:yup:
I know how this feels–it has happened to me before and it just feels awful. Right now remember you are a child of God and God does not make any junk. He made you in His image and likeness and He loves you completely. He is with you right now. Your idea to go see Jesus tomorrow is a really good plan. Let Him know how you are feeling. He understands your suffering. If you can make it to daily Mass that would lift your spirits also, I know it does mine. It is so very healing. Remember again right now how much He loves you and you are a fine human being. You are not your job, you are one of God’s children. You are doing a really great thing by reaching out to us on here, Billy, because we’ll be here for ya! Good on ya, friend! Think about all the places you love and all the people you love and who love you and how blessed you are to be alive in God’s Kingdom. You are so blessed to have Jesus beside you to confide in. Most of all, you are a good person trying to do the right thing by trusting in Him. Also, have some good dessert! That might lift your spirits some! Meanwhile, you are in my prayers, too! Let us know how things go, soon. Many, many blessings, friend! 👋
Greetings Catholic Answer-persons!

I recently started at a new job about 7 months ago. Just today I found out that some people at my workplace are trying to get me fired :(. I found out right before I had to give a talk for 2 hours. I managed to find the strength to carry through the presentation (it went okay). But afterwards I just hit rock bottom. The long bus ride home was unpleasant to say the least. I’m feeling really, really low right now.


Anybody have any words of inspiration that could help me get out of the gutter?

I don’t work on Tuesdays so I think I might pass by a church tomorrow and sit by the blessed sacrament for a while. Does anyone else do this? Anybody have any suggestions?

What do you do to lift your spirits when you are so discouraged? 😦
I’d give you advice but you sound like you know what your doing.

no one said it would be easy but keep praying . It will work itself out, usually for the best. It’s never as bad as you think. Lighten up, .:tiphat:
BillyHW said:
Greetings Catholic Answer-persons!

I recently started at a new job about 7 months ago. Just today I found out that some people at my workplace are trying to get me fired :(. I found out right before I had to give a talk for 2 hours. I managed to find the strength to carry through the presentation (it went okay). But afterwards I just hit rock bottom. The long bus ride home was unpleasant to say the least. I’m feeling really, really low right now.


Anybody have any words of inspiration that could help me get out of the gutter?

I don’t work on Tuesdays so I think I might pass by a church tomorrow and sit by the blessed sacrament for a while. Does anyone else do this? Anybody have any suggestions?

What do you do to lift your spirits when you are so discouraged? 😦

Yes I do my friend. It is a hard thing you are going through right now. Stay broken and leave everything to God. Let him be in charge and accept the outcome. If you are to be vindicated, it can come from the most unlikely source, even from the persons who are trying to get you fired. Do not under any circumstances think God is not in charge. Lay your cares on the altar and leave them there. There is sublime beauty in suffering and submitting ourselves to God’s will. Let God be God. This is the hardest thing for us to do… our egos are too proud and we cry out to be vindicated. Do not fight my friend. God loves you with an ever lasting love. His ways are not our ways, sometimes the greatest gift he gives is not answering our prayers. Yes, do pray before the Blessed Sacrament… there is no better place on this Earth than before a tabernacle. Be at peace my friend and may God bless you!
Yes,yes. I used to go sit in the church when I was having trouble at the University. And I prayed too. I got through!.

I was given wise advice by an old man when I was once concerned at my work. He said.
  1. Be humble ! …hard to do.
  2. Do not fight back! Rather fill in the empty space with your truth.
  3. Finally a word of your concern to your “boss” is always in order.
  4. Pray on the way to work and at lunch.
I will say a prayer tonight for your intentions. :love:
I come here…whenever I need advice or I am down…or
I Just wanna talk to someone…

I will definitely pray for you!!!

God Bless:gopray:
Stay prayerful and humble. God has a plan for you. Don’t let the world dictate who you are. You are a child of God and he lives in you.
Trust in Divine Providence; for you to lose your job God has to either will it or permit it to happen for a reason that is to your benefit. Trust that God has a plan for you and if you get fired then God must be leading you eslewhere! If we could only know God’s design we would not grieve so much but instead praise God in all things!

Yes…do go and sit in the church…and leave your troubles at the alter. Ask the Holy Spirit to come down upon you and give you the courage and guidance to help you through this difficult time.
Prayers going out to you:gopray:
God may be preparing something else for you. Praise Jesus! Ignore the individuals at work and keep your eyes and ears open for the message God is giving you.
Thank you for the responses everyone. I appreciate all the prayers and words of support.
Greetings Catholic Answer-persons!

I recently started at a new job about 7 months ago. Just today I found out that some people at my workplace are trying to get me fired :(. I found out right before I had to give a talk for 2 hours. I managed to find the strength to carry through the presentation (it went okay). But afterwards I just hit rock bottom. The long bus ride home was unpleasant to say the least. I’m feeling really, really low right now.


Anybody have any words of inspiration that could help me get out of the gutter?

I don’t work on Tuesdays so I think I might pass by a church tomorrow and sit by the blessed sacrament for a while. Does anyone else do this? Anybody have any suggestions?

What do you do to lift your spirits when you are so discouraged? 😦
All can say is look up Romans 8:28. My husband and I live by those words. My prayers are with you.

“We know all things work for the good for those who love God, whoare called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28
Greetings Catholic Answer-persons!

I don’t work on Tuesdays so I think I might pass by a church tomorrow and sit by the blessed sacrament for a while. Does anyone else do this? Anybody have any suggestions?

What do you do to lift your spirits when you are so discouraged? 😦
Work can be really hard sometimes. I think there are many things you could do. Here’s sort of a list that I go to when I am down:
  1. pray, go to church
  2. exercise
  3. plan something that you look forward to with a positive friend
  4. do what makes you feel good, like shopping or going to a movie
  5. think about what went wrong, make a plan and then move on- don’t dwell on it.
  6. Change what you can, and pray about the rest.
  7. counseling helps sometimes if it is serious trouble
I find that if work is getting me down, then I might be in the wrong place. I don’t advocate walking out of a job you need. However, is there something else that would make you happier? Some places are not good enviornments. Some people are always back stabbing and unchristian. I pray every day I go to work and I ask God to make it a good day for me and to help me make good choices. I try to say something nice to people that are not my favorites. In the end, you might need to look elsewhere. I am saying a 54 day rosary novena for my friends and family out of work. I will add you to the list so that you will find more satisfaction at work, or that you will find something better. Come back and let us know how you are.
I definitely agree with all those who said to go to church. Last week was certainly one of the worst weeks I have had in a while. It seemed like there was nothing incredibly major wrong, but that there was nothing at all going right. It was also difficult for other reasons. I was at my Bible study, and we were talking about our weeks, and I started to cry. I normally can avoid crying in front of people, but I just couldn’t yesterday. As soon as the study got out I went straight to the chapel and sat in the pew and cried and prayed. I tried to be quiet about it to avoid distracting others, but someone else noticed. She came and sat with me and put her arms around me and said, “You’re in the right place.” I felt like God used her to show me that inspite of my worries about distracting others, I was indeed in the right place. After spending about half an hour in prayer, I didn’t feel better emotionally, but I had a peace about knowing that God has me where He wants me and will use this difficulty for His glory and my good.
Last evening I happened upon this by accident and I recognized myself in your words. Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone! Remember that there is always a hand extended waiting for you to reach out. Take comfort in the knowledge that your Father is there…take time to simply close your eyes and feel His love. I am fortunate to have a Perpetual Adoration Chapel near…24-7. I go there and it is impossible not to feel the weight of this earthly life lifted. God bless!
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