Can anyone relate to me sees? Help needed

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To start off, I have OCD/Anxiety. And the anxiety started about 2 weeks ago. I prayed everyday for like 8 months that god helps me make my college decision. And I finally came at peace with going to the University of Oregon. The next day I found my roomate and we talked and we are both really excited. Then the day after that is when these thoughts started torturing me.
These thoughts are that I have to become a priest. And whenever I think about Oregon, I think of how I’m not going there anymore and how it won’t happen. I literally can’t go 10 seconds without these thoughts being in my head. I also have this feeling in my stomach that keeps reminding me that I have to be a priest. And I’m just nervous and scared. No offense to god or the Catholic Church, but I really don’t want to be a priest. I want a family and to be a sports journalist.
If anyone has been through something similar or if anyone has any advice, I really need it. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. Please help
@Hoping1, you posted about this two days ago. There is very little we here at CAF can do for you. Please, talk to your health professional as soon as possible. These thoughts are part of your OCD, and you need medical help to tackle them. Please contact a health professional right now.
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God’s call is call, you can answer it or reject it. But more important thing is that you should seek for professional help, counseling. No medical help on this forum.
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@Hoping1, who diagnosed you with OCD? Have you ever seen a therapist or someone like that to help you with your OCD?
No I’ve never seen a therapist for it because it was little things I could get over. But now it’s just attacked me and I can’t function/sleep. I don’t know who to contact because I can’t meet with anyone right now due to covid
Okay. Are you able to contact your doctor? Email, phone? It’s also worth trying to find a therapist who specialises in OCD, and having some sessions over the phone or something like skype. Many therapists offer this.
To start off, I have OCD/Anxiety.
We cannot help you here. You need to be under the care of a mental health professional and a priest who is familiar with spiritual direction for those suffering OCD, scruples, intrusive thoughts, anxiety, etc.
And I’m just nervous and scared.
Call your mental health provider.
I want a family and to be a sports journalist.
You’ve been posting about this for days. Call your therapist!!!
. I don’t know who to contact because I can’t meet with anyone right now due to covid
Mental health providers can meet with you via telemedicine virtually. Reach out to your general family doctor for advice.
You need to see a mental health professional. OCD isn’t something you can conquer on your own.
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