Can anyone tell me more about the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal?

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I’m currently discerning a call to the priesthood and I’m interested in the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about them, their life, etc. Thanks
You know the saying best thing comes from the “horses mouth” so why don’t you look them up on line, and send them an E-mail.
I know them pretty well. Very obedient to Church teaching, advocate Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, travel to youth retreats called Youth 2000. Take a look at that site. I have helped put on these retreats for years. The friars and sisters are very enthusiastic about sharing their faith and encouraging young people to get more involved in the Church.
I’m currently discerning a call to the priesthood and I’m interested in the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about them, their life, etc. Thanks
I know quite a bit about them after spending a lot of time with them and the Sister branch. They are entirely solid and obedient to the Church teachings. They spend a lot of time with the homeless (even running a shelter), the youth (on camps, Youth2000, and Catholic Underground), retreats, etc. Their primary purpose is evangelization. They are an awesome order and I HIGHLY recommend going on a vocation discernment retreat with them.

Also, I suggest that you read this book:

A Drama of Reform
I’m currently discerning a call to the priesthood and I’m interested in the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about them, their life, etc. Thanks
The CFRs seek to fully embrace the spirit of poverty by living amongst the poor in places like the Bronx, owning nothing (including their own Friaries) and engaging in apostolic work such as working with the homeless, with underprivileged / at-risk youth and others in need. What they do not do is run parishes - their constitutions (available here specifically prohibit it. the friars are also encouraged to beg for their basic needs and for materials necessary for their apostolic works. Here’s how they describe themselves:

Material poverty, manual labour, complete renunciation of immovable property, mature and faithful chastity, an active and responsible obedience, and living with and engaging in hands-on work with the materially poor and destitute are essential components of [the order]
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