Can anyone tell me what this means?

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“Selah”, this word appears in Psalms. You’ll find it intermixed in between them or between some verses. Example:

"For the leader. A psalm of David.

Deliver me, LORD, from the wicked;
preserve me from the violent,
From those who plan evil in their hearts,
who stir up conflicts every day,
Who sharpen their tongues like serpents,
venom of asps upon their lips. Selah

“Selah”, this word appears in Psalms. You’ll find it intermixed in between them or between some verses. Example:

"For the leader. A psalm of David.

Deliver me, LORD, from the wicked;
preserve me from the violent,
From those who plan evil in their hearts,
who stir up conflicts every day,
Who sharpen their tongues like serpents,
venom of asps upon their lips. Selah

"Selah."This is a musical pause; the precise meaning of which is not known. Some think it simply a rest, a pause in the music; others say it means, “Liftup the strain - sing more loudly - pitch the tune upon a higher key - there is nobler matter to come, therefore retune your harps.” Harp-strings soon get out of order and need to be screwed up again to their proper tightness, and certainly our heartstrings are evermore getting out of tune. Let “Selah"teach us to pray
“O may my heart in tune be found
Like David’s harp of solemn sound.”
At least, we may learn that wherever we see “Selah,”* we should look upon it as a note of observation. Let us read the passage which precedes and succeeds it with greater earnestness, for surely there is always something excellent where we are required to rest and pause and meditate, or when we are required to lift up our hearts in grateful song. "Selah.*”
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