If Pope Francis passes away or resign, can, theoretically, the college of cardinals elect Joseph Ratzinger again as pope? If so, would he be Benedict XVI or XVII?
Of course they could, and it’s entirely possible that they would do this, if they couldn’t decide on a candidate and wanted to have a de facto “interregnum with a placeholder Pope”.Theoretically and hypothetically: yes, of course.
In reality: no way would it ever happen. There is not the slightest realistic scenario where that would occur. Nada.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVII is 92-years-old in declining health and now (according to reports) wheelchair bound. No way would the Cardinals try to re-elect him at his advance age and very poor health.
Not so theoretical- Benedict IX twice abdicated (or more properly once abdicated and once was deposed ) and twice resumed.the Papal throne. Kept the same regnal name and number.Theoretically and hypothetically: yes, of course.
In reality: no way would it ever happen. There is not the slightest realistic scenario where that would occur. Nada.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVII is 92-years-old in declining health and now (according to reports) wheelchair bound. No way would the Cardinals try to re-elect him at his advance age and very poor health.
Is there any actual proof that Pius X made this prophecy? I looked around and saw some people claiming he did, like that site–but no one actually pointing to any contemporary account of it, or any source at all.The prediction attributed to Pope St. Pius X is that both Benedict XVI and Francis will be dramatically effected by the same tragic event at Vatican City.
That’s a good question, and the objection has been raised before. I reviewed three biographies of the Saint, and could find no mention of these visions, and that is why i qualified my previous post with “attributed.”Is there any actual proof that Pius X made this prophecy? I looked around and saw some people claiming he did, like that site–but no one actually pointing to any contemporary account of it, or any source at all.
That’s an interesting site. Among other things, it claims authorization to re-assert the Inquisition, and says all True Catholics must “report information,” anonymously if necessary. The site is also riddled with anti-Semitic articles. Doesn’t give much credibility to what they attribute to Pius X.undead_rat:
Is there any actual proof that Pius X made this prophecy? I looked around and saw some people claiming he did, like that site–but no one actually pointing to any contemporary account of it, or any source at all.The prediction attributed to Pope St. Pius X is that both Benedict XVI and Francis will be dramatically effected by the same tragic event at Vatican City.
Well, first, your source doesn’t associate it with Benedict XVI at all, it claims it’s Giuseppe Siri (who some conspiracy theorists, including apparently that site, believe was elected pope, but this was reversed shortly afterwards and then John XIII was given it instead–this idea is often utilized to support sedevacantism). This supposed prophecy therefore appears to be a much later concoction used to support this idea that Siri was elected pope.My conclusion is that it does not make any difference to the validity of the visions if they were not actually had by Pius X. The visions predicted the resignation of a pope who would share a name with him, and, by that occurrence taking place, the prophecy has validated itself.
The earliest internet report of the visions that i could find was in 1998.
This is how I view things too. He resigned in large part due to his age and declining health, so I have a hard time seeing the cardinals re-electing him seven years later at this point, especially with him being wheelchair bound and reportedly barely able to speak.Theoretically and hypothetically: yes, of course.
In reality: no way would it ever happen. There is not the slightest realistic scenario where that would occur. Nada.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVII is 92-years-old in declining health and now (according to reports) wheelchair bound. No way would the Cardinals try to re-elect him at his advance age and very poor health.