Long story short, i’m a convert to Catholicism therefore i’m very much into theology. I’ve been learning more about Wicca and Wiccan beliefs (which is confusing at times due to the diversity) but some of them peak my interest, because they seem totally acceptable even for a neopegan belief system. My question is, is it ok for catholics to believe in some of the things wiccans believe, or are we supposed to be completely opposed to the wiccans beliefs? And, could it be said a catholic can also be wiccan (to an acceptable degree, minus the monotheism or rituals) but i’ve noticed some beliefs are similar. I believe psychology and the “supernatural” are somtimes one in the same (ex: dreams can be from god) and i’ve noticed wiccans encourage followers to “look within” or to “personal experiences” for truth, similar to how a catholic would look to his or her own personal experiences to determine the will of God. What’s the line, and is there a clear one?