Like, for example, if an 11 or 12 year old looked at pornography, or masturbates frequently? Or, what if they lie a lot. (Lying isnt a mortal sin anyway… is it?) or get smart with their parents. Would they be doomed to an eternity in hell unless they repent?
The reason I am asking this is because I am 13 years old and have broken all of those sins at one time in my life. I just looked at Pornography a few months ago, but I am still masturbating about 3 times a week . I also tend to often stretch the truth, though nothing serious (like when telling a friend how big a fish was that I caught, I might say “A foot!” when it was really only 6 inches long). I pray for forgivness every night and I directly recite all the ten commandments I have broken and pray for forgiveness. I pray the rosary once a week. I am very concrened that I will go to Hell if I dont go to confession (which me and my family are bad about going to).
Can children commit a mortal sin?
I’m going to pass on the post above and I hope you do to.
How about I explain it this way and see if it helps you.
Guilt, shame and/or restlessness about anything in which we have engaged, and sometimes one or more of these things in the absence of a visible issue, indicate it is time to seek the Sacrament of Penance. This is a sign that the Lord is knocking at your door saying, “Hello - anybody in there? - Ummm, we need to talk.”
I made the mistake of thinking that something wasn’t a sin, but neglected to research or ask a priest when my gut told me it was wrong. So I continued about my way figuring as long as I don’t know, I won’t be committing a mortal sin. If you know a sin is grave, and you willingly consent to engaging in it, then it is wrong and must be confessed. I went so far as to tell the priest that I neglected to look it up and why, revealing an attitude that needed fixing. He certainly didn’t hit me over the head, but just telling him I did that made me realize that I had an obligation to learn when I’m not sure.
It is very good that you have not looked at porn in months. Work hard at not falling into that trap because what follows, as you can see is self-abuse (masturbation), which is a grave sin. The bad part about porn is that once you see a set of images, they are forever branded into your head and continue to fuel the urge engage yourself. This can go on for weeks, or as you see, months later. So, the porn must not happen again.
The next thing is to grasp the fact that self-abuse IS a grave sin, listed clearly in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and make a decision right now today if you are going to sincerely obey this. This means that deep within, you accept the teaching and are willing to work hard at complying. This doesn’t mean it won’t be hard, but tips will follow.
Understand that self-abuse is one of the most common sins that priests likely here on matters of impurity. Last statistics I saw were at least 90% of males and 62% females engaged in the practice. This does not make it “ok”. Rather, it means we need to be careful not to fall to that “wind of doctrine” called, the “Everyone else is doing it” Doctrine.
Also, this type of sin can easily fall into one of two categories I’ll call “habit” and “addiction”. Everyone has their own definition of these, but I"ll give you mine.
Occasional: Few times a year like your porn
Habit: Few times monthly
Addiction: Few times weekly or daily
As you can see, if you are going at it 3 times a week, you are at the addiction level. Now, without excusing away the behavior, the addiction status does somewhat mitigate your culpability because addictions are hard to break. I’m sure you’ve tried many times after confession to stop and find yourself falling back real easy. This is not uncommon.
I’m going to end here and continue in the next post with suggestions if you really want to stop.