Can Digital Media Contain Demonic Attachment?

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I had just read an insightful thread on the demonic attachment to books and physical objects. Is there any possibility that videos, images, files, or websites can carry demonic attachment of any sort?

I cannot post a link to the C.A.F. thread, but it is titled: Used books can be cursed?

(This question is more voiced from hypothetical concern and isn’t prompted by any scenario)
Short answer:

No, but they can still be spiritually dangerous.

Long answer:

I spent a long time living in a community in which dealing with spiritual forces was part of daily life. Several of my friends have had to deal with cursed (or otherwise possessed) objects, as well as warding off witchcraft, exorcisms, removing demons from haunted property, etc.

Out of necessity, people in this community were very, very serious about spiritual protection and avoiding exposing themselves to negative spiritual influences through any means. And they were extremely cautious about accepting any physical gifts, from anyone, unless it was someone whom they knew and trusted, and even then, there were certain types of gifts they would never accept.

And never once did they express any qualms about receiving files over the Internet. They were happy to accept digital files even from people they knew were sorcerers. In fact, that was often the only way they were comfortable communicating with people who had a demonstrated history of black magic.

These people were very perceptive. They could see spiritual forces that are hidden from most people, and could tell very rapidly if they were dealing with a cursed or possessed object. So if they were fine receiving digital files, I don’t think there is anything to worry about.

However, digital files can still be spiritually dangerous even if they don’t contain actual demons or other more neutral spirits that have nevertheless been tasked with annoying you. Certain types of music can infect the psychology with negative influences, such as lust, envy, avarice, or hate. Things like pornographic images or videos can be extremely dangerous, and can even act in the subconsciousness. So they should not be treated with complete nonchalance.

And of course, there is the more mundane risk of your computer getting infected.

But I wouldn’t worry about a demon entering your house through the wires. 🙂
Wow! Thank you White Tree for the immediate and thorough answer! I greatly appreciate the time you put into laying this question to rest! Might I inquire what you mean by a “community dealing with spiritual forces”?
Might I inquire what you mean by a “community dealing with spiritual forces”?
It was a group of mystics that lived in my city. I lived on the other side of town, but I spent most of my free time with them in order to study the science, or methodology, of how they do what they do.

It wasn’t like the purpose of the community was to deal with spiritual forces. It was dedicated to mysticism and growing in holiness. Dealing with spiritual forces (both good and bad) was incidental to their practice, not the goal. In a group like that, the supernatural is a little more “present.”

First, because of the whole “birds of a feather” principle–that is, when you have a nexus of people who are that in tune with the spiritual world, it tends to attract other people with similar talents and inclinations, both for good and ill.

Secondly, even people who did not have their experience or expertise would sometimes approach them for help with supernatural matters (e.g. removing a curse, etc.), which becomes another source of activity.

And third, when people are earnestly and seriously working to cultivate the mystical experience of God, it naturally leads to a greater awareness of the spiritual side of things. So the spiritual roots of certain physical phenomena were more apparent than they would be to a person whose spiritual senses were atrophied or undeveloped.
Through the fall, Adam and Eve ceded dominion of the physical world to Satan. Although Satan’s power is only by permission, it is tremendous nevertheless.

We know that physical items can be cursed or possessed. The church has exorcisms for these situations. We are told that demons can manipulate electronic devices. It’s feasible that digital media can have an attachment.
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