Can God change the past?

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Can God change the past? I don’t mean change the consequences of some past action, but actually change the past so the action never took place.

It would be hard to know if God had changed something in the past, because we wouldn’t remember it, i.e. as far as we were concerned it didn’t happen.

There’s an old song that goes, “Today will be yesterday tomorrow.” So perhaps in guiding the events of today God is changing the past of tomorrow, and likewise in guiding the events of yesterday he changed the past of today. In other words, our lives are different to what they could have been. God saw the future and changed the past of that future.

However, that’s not the same as God allowing something to happen and then going back and not allowing it to happening. That would be tantamount to God contradicting himself. So I guess the question is: can God contradict himself? Looked at this way the answer would be No.

This means that there are some things God can not do. This is ture, of course; God can not do anything that is contrary to his nature. God can’t stop being God.

What do you think?
As a Cal Bear fan and a Niner fan I can only hope…

Seriously though…

I would think that because God exists outside of time there is no past to change.

Does that make sense?
Surely, God can change the past if He should want to. But “past” is only in reference to man’s limited being. God’s omnipotence has no limit but Himself. He could non-exist if He should decide to do it. But God would not do it because He is God. “What God cannot do” is different from “what God would not do”. His power is not diminished by His decision not to do.
Can God change the past? I don’t mean change the consequences of some past action, but actually change the past so the action never took place.

It would be hard to know if God had changed something in the past, because we wouldn’t remember it, i.e. as far as we were concerned it didn’t happen.

There’s an old song that goes, “Today will be yesterday tomorrow.” So perhaps in guiding the events of today God is changing the past of tomorrow, and likewise in guiding the events of yesterday he changed the past of today. In other words, our lives are different to what they could have been. God saw the future and changed the past of that future.

However, that’s not the same as God allowing something to happen and then going back and not allowing it to happening. That would be tantamount to God contradicting himself. So I guess the question is: can God contradict himself? Looked at this way the answer would be No.

This means that there are some things God can not do. This is ture, of course; God can not do anything that is contrary to his nature. God can’t stop being God.

What do you think?
I believe that He already did that the day after tomorrow. 😉 God bless.
I’m thinking it would call into question why? I mean wouldn’t it suggest that God made a mistake that he had to correct?

I agree with the poster who said God was outsidet time, so of course, technically he wouldnt be changing the past.

I’m not much for the concept that God rearranges things. I think he determined a set of laws and thought it into that singularity that “exploded” and began the long process of universe building. I think God’s intervention is through the human spirit. My humility drives me to conclude that I do nothing Good that is not God, and nothing bad that is God at all. I’m thinking God keeps pretty busy that way.
If there is an omnipotent God who wants to fiddle with what’s happened, he’s already gone and changed it as far as we can tell.

You’ve seen those time-lapse photos of interstates at night, where each car is just a twin streak of light? You can see the car as it enters the frame, as it travels along, as it takes the exit to wherever.

Now imagine you’ve got Photoshop. Suddenly that car didn’t enter the shot from the left, it was coming from the other direction and made an illegal u-turn in the middle of the highway. Voila, you’ve changed the past. The car never came from the left – it was always coming from the other lane.
This document appears to provide an answer:
Wednesday, 19 November 1997

God is the Lord of creation and history


  1. This broad horizon of history in motion suggests several basic questions: What is time? What is its origin? What is its goal?

Everything was created by God. Therefore nothing existed before creation except God. He is a transcendent God, who created everything by his own omnipotence, without being constrained by any necessity, by an absolutely free and gratuitous act, dictated only by love. He is God the Trinity, who reveals himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  1. In creating the universe God created time. From him comes the beginning of time, as well as all its later unfolding.
The Bible stresses that living beings depend at every moment on divine action: “When you hide your face they are dismayed; when you take away their breath, they die and return to their dust. When you send forth your Spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the earth” (Ps 104 [103]:29-30).

Time therefore is God’s gift. Continuously created by God, it is in his hands. He guides its unfolding according to his plan. Every day is a gift of divine love for us. From this standpoint, we also welcome the date of the Great Jubilee as a gift of love.
  1. God is Lord of time not only as creator of the world, but also as author of the new creation in Christ. He intervened to heal and renew the human condition, deeply wounded by sin. He spent much time preparing his people for the splendour of the new creation, especially through the words of the prophets: “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind. But be glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy” (Is 65:17-18).
Can God change the past? I don’t mean change the consequences of some past action, but actually change the past so the action never took place.

It would be hard to know if God had changed something in the past, because we wouldn’t remember it, i.e. as far as we were concerned it didn’t happen.

There’s an old song that goes, “Today will be yesterday tomorrow.” So perhaps in guiding the events of today God is changing the past of tomorrow, and likewise in guiding the events of yesterday he changed the past of today. In other words, our lives are different to what they could have been. God saw the future and changed the past of that future.

However, that’s not the same as God allowing something to happen and then going back and not allowing it to happening. That would be tantamount to God contradicting himself. So I guess the question is: can God contradict himself? Looked at this way the answer would be No.

This means that there are some things God can not do. This is ture, of course; God can not do anything that is contrary to his nature. God can’t stop being God.

What do you think?

AFAICS - which isn’t very far 🙂 - the answer is “No”.​

If God were to change one bit, all of it would have to be changed; because time has no natural boundaries: it’s a single indivisible whole. To change time so that the attack on Pearl Harbour never took place, would have massive effects on the lives of everyone involved.

And the causes of the attack on Pearl Harbour would be altered - a cause which leads to an attack on a naval base is different from one that is modified by not leading to that.

Events are caused not just by recorded causes, but by millions upon millions of unrecorded decisions by millions of people - had Germany been victorious in WW1, the Wall Street Crash might never have happened; even if it had, Hitler might never have become Fuehrer. Or these events might have happened, but in a different order.

ISTM that
  • events are not necessitated by God’s knowledge of them
  • that each one is singular
  • but not separate from all others
  • and that all are contingent
  • unrepeatable
  • necessary once they have come into being
  • all are totally open to all others
  • & that each moment is in a sense the goal to which all previous moments have been tending
  • & that each moment is a means whereby God’s transcendent activity is expressed - they exist wholly & purely that He may do His Will in His creation; & would not be at all, if God did not work among creatures. That they have being as contingent things at all, implies that they are necessary within the bounds of what is contingent; though not necessary for God.
    That may be completely incoherent & useless 🙂
No since changing the past interrupts the free willed choices as much as if He were to dictate the future then free will is lost. God is and all is eternally present to Him. To say that He would be able to change the past is to limit His infinite eternal knowledge. Since from all eternity He knew that Adam and Eve would sin He had to allow it in order for them to utilize their free will. If He were to want to change the past wouldn’t one think that He would have started there? Why send His Son to be tortured and killed for our redemption?? No. By the actions of God He reveals that it is His will not to change the past…God Bless…teachccd 🙂
How would you know? If it’s changed so is your memory of the past…
Can God change the past? I don’t mean change the consequences of some past action, but actually change the past so the action never took place.

It would be hard to know if God had changed something in the past, because we wouldn’t remember it, i.e. as far as we were concerned it didn’t happen.

There’s an old song that goes, “Today will be yesterday tomorrow.” So perhaps in guiding the events of today God is changing the past of tomorrow, and likewise in guiding the events of yesterday he changed the past of today. In other words, our lives are different to what they could have been. God saw the future and changed the past of that future.

However, that’s not the same as God allowing something to happen and then going back and not allowing it to happening. That would be tantamount to God contradicting himself. So I guess the question is: can God contradict himself? Looked at this way the answer would be No.

This means that there are some things God can not do. This is true, of course; God can not do anything that is contrary to his nature. God can’t stop being God.

What do you think?
I say that it is within God’s power to change the past since he is simultaneously outside time and inside time concurrently at every point “now”, forward and backward. Relative to him nothing changes - it is only a manifestation of a timeless will or existence; a great and humanly inconceivable “I Am”.

Also, from an observational perspective internal to a mortal context time is quantized in terms of “ticks” of human life experiences at a biological and perceptional level but continuous in terms of physical phenomena. Relative to a mortal’s time line there would be no capability to make observations internal to the system to discern an external revision - unless God temporally withdrew one or more outside that time line and gave them information (e.g. the prophets). Of course anything is theoretically possible to happen in the very small time window related to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. That time window permits virtually any kind of magic or supernatural or random event to occur within the interval of time related to the Planck constant “h” (6.62606896(33) X 10-34 J-s). This means if God wanted to edit anything in the hear and now he can do so ever single tick of “h” and no one in the physical world would be able to observe it as long as the prior states and the subsequent states of perception appeared without a gap of interruption (an asymptotic spike in behavior). Of course if he just wanted to insert something or take something out or manifest something or say something he could do so in that interval without interrupting anything in the physical sense.

Theologically speaking, changing past events implies revision and that implies error and something short of omniscience. An omniscient God by definition is infallible and not capable of error; at least while he is consistent and does not change his mind and nature about being benevolent. Until He steps into time (e.g. Jesus)? I think I see the wisdom of why God uses the mechanism of the trinity there so he is not limiting his external control by limiting himself to a human sensory perspective inside a universe constrained by time.

Therefor, I think I can say that God can change history but to do so would be to change himself and that would violate the nature of God as we understand Him and create moral dilemmas. We have it in faith that God never changes his behaviors and his values. But God has occasionally synchronized himself to the physical time line of humans when he changes his mind conditionally with human behaviors (e.g. to punish or grant mercy to Israel or to listen to prayers to change the natural course of events). Does God give man that much power through prayer!

Better question: If man can change the future our the current “here and now” and future consequences through prayer (as we believe) is it possible for man to change history through prayer? Depending on how we resolve this it brings vigor to the old adage “be careful what you ask for since you just might get it”. Now I suppose we should be worried too how the disciples of such people like Nietzsche just might find it convenient to temporally stoop to praying just to make “God is Dead” and sell more books. That would really mess up the pecking order…

“It’s like déjà vu all over again” - Yogi Berra
IMHO, Like you said, God can’t contradict himself, and hence the answer is no

Can God change the past? I don’t mean change the consequences of some past action, but actually change the past so the action never took place.

It would be hard to know if God had changed something in the past, because we wouldn’t remember it, i.e. as far as we were concerned it didn’t happen.

There’s an old song that goes, “Today will be yesterday tomorrow.” So perhaps in guiding the events of today God is changing the past of tomorrow, and likewise in guiding the events of yesterday he changed the past of today. In other words, our lives are different to what they could have been. God saw the future and changed the past of that future.

However, that’s not the same as God allowing something to happen and then going back and not allowing it to happening. That would be tantamount to God contradicting himself. So I guess the question is: can God contradict himself? Looked at this way the answer would be No.

This means that there are some things God can not do. This is ture, of course; God can not do anything that is contrary to his nature. God can’t stop being God.

What do you think?
I have sometimes wondered if the New Heavens and New Earth will be precisely this: God changing the past so much so that nothing bad ever even happened in the first place-- with only the consequences of what we would have done remaining.

I’ve also wondered is we’re simply going through God’s vision of what could go wrong so that we will fully know who was and who was not fairly existing along with God.
Revelation 21:1-3:
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.
In this sense, the sinful soul and body, as merely potential, might be returned to the void of quantum foam preceeding the creation event-- albeit, now damned within this literal nothingness, they would now be conscious of the choices they definitely would have made in the future and are trapped forever knowing that they would not have choosen wisely.

In this sense, they would therefore be condemned to hell for what God knew in advance they would do, something which they themselves freely choose already.

Since God is not limited to time and space like we are, I think paradoxes like this one I presented above are indeed quite possible and fully fair at the same time.
Can God change the past? I don’t mean change the consequences of some past action, but actually change the past so the action never took place.

It would be hard to know if God had changed something in the past, because we wouldn’t remember it, i.e. as far as we were concerned it didn’t happen.

There’s an old song that goes, “Today will be yesterday tomorrow.” So perhaps in guiding the events of today God is changing the past of tomorrow, and likewise in guiding the events of yesterday he changed the past of today. In other words, our lives are different to what they could have been. God saw the future and changed the past of that future.

However, that’s not the same as God allowing something to happen and then going back and not allowing it to happening. That would be tantamount to God contradicting himself. So I guess the question is: can God contradict himself? Looked at this way the answer would be No.

This means that there are some things God can not do. This is ture, of course; God can not do anything that is contrary to his nature. God can’t stop being God.

What do you think?
I believe Saint Thomas Aquinas adequately addressed this very question in the Summa Theologica. I for my part believe him.

Article 4. Whether God can make the past not to have been?

Objection 1. It seems that God can make the past not to have been. For what is impossible in itself is much more impossible than that which is only impossible accidentally. But God can do what is impossible in itself, as to give sight to the blind, or to raise the dead. Therefore, and much more can He do what is only impossible accidentally. Now for the past not to have been is impossible accidentally: thus for Socrates not to be running is accidentally impossible, from the fact that his running is a thing of the past. Therefore God can make the past not to have been.

Objection 2. Further, what God could do, He can do now, since His power is not lessened. But God could have effected, before Socrates ran, that he should not run. Therefore, when he has run, God could effect that he did not run.

Objection 3. Further, charity is a more excellent virtue than virginity. But God can supply charity that is lost; therefore also lost virginity. Therefore He can so effect that what was corrupt should not have been corrupt.

On the contrary, Jerome says (Ep. 22 ad Eustoch.): “Although God can do all things, He cannot make a thing that is corrupt not to have been corrupted.” Therefore, for the same reason, He cannot effect that anything else which is past should not have been.

I answer that, As was said above (Question 7, Article 2), there does not fall under the scope of God’s omnipotence anything that implies a contradiction. Now that the past should not have been implies a contradiction. For as it implies a contradiction to say that Socrates is sitting, and is not sitting, so does it to say that he sat, and did not sit. But to say that he did sit is to say that it happened in the past. To say that he did not sit, is to say that it did not happen. Whence, that the past should not have been, does not come under the scope of divine power. This is what Augustine means when he says (Contra Faust. xxix, 5): “Whosoever says, If God is almighty, let Him make what is done as if it were not done, does not see that this is to
say: If God is almighty let Him effect that what is true, by the very fact that it is true, be false”: and the Philosopher says (Ethic. vi, 2): “Of this one thing alone is God deprived–namely, to make undone the things that have been done.”

Reply to Objection 1. Although it is impossible accidentally for the past not to have been, if one considers the past thing itself, as, for instance, the running of Socrates; nevertheless, if the past thing is considered as past, that it should not have been is impossible, not only in itself, but absolutely since it implies a contradiction. Thus, it is more impossible than theraising of the dead; in which there is nothing contradictory, because this is reckoned impossible in reference to some power, that is to say, some natural power; for such impossible things do come beneath the scope of divine power.

Reply to Objection 2. As God, in accordance with the perfection of the divine power, can do all things, and yet some things are not subject to His power, because they fall short of being possible; so, also, if we regard the immutability of the divine power, whatever God could do, He can do now. Some things, however, at one time were in the nature of possibility, whilst they were yet to be done, which now fall short of the nature of possibility, when they have been done. So is God said not to be able to do them, because they themselves cannot be done.

Reply to Objection 3. God can remove all corruption of the mind and body from a woman who has fallen; but the fact that she had been corrupt cannot be removed from her; as also is it impossible that the fact of having sinned or having lost charity thereby can be removed from the sinner.
Can God change the past? I don’t mean change the consequences of some past action, but actually change the past so the action never took place.

It would be hard to know if God had changed something in the past, because we wouldn’t remember it, i.e. as far as we were concerned it didn’t happen.

There’s an old song that goes, “Today will be yesterday tomorrow.” So perhaps in guiding the events of today God is changing the past of tomorrow, and likewise in guiding the events of yesterday he changed the past of today. In other words, our lives are different to what they could have been. God saw the future and changed the past of that future.

However, that’s not the same as God allowing something to happen and then going back and not allowing it to happening. That would be tantamount to God contradicting himself. So I guess the question is: can God contradict himself? Looked at this way the answer would be No.

This means that there are some things God can not do. This is ture, of course; God can not do anything that is contrary to his nature. God can’t stop being God.

What do you think?
Perhaps this would help this guy is a very important physicist.

I dont know whether “God” can change things in the past but there seems to be multiple realities. Quantum mechanics solve all this time travel paradoxes by saying that every reality is a paralel universe.

Like if you were able to travel to the past and alter an event you would be altering someone else unvierse and not your own universe.
I believe Saint Thomas Aquinas adequately addressed this very question in the Summa Theologica. I for my part believe him.
THANK YOU. 👍 I’m very glad to see that someone provided that.
And yes, I’m also very much inclined to agree with Aquinas on this question.
Perhaps this would help this guy is a very important physicist.
…doesn’t guarantee he has an excellent grasp on philosophy, however. 😉
…there seems to be multiple realities. Quantum mechanics solve all this time travel paradoxes by saying that every reality is a parallel universe.
The multiple realities (or “many worlds”) interpretation of quantum mechanics is just that… one interpretation. And one that I pretty much completely don’t agree with. Mostly because it’s more philosophy than theory, it’s borderline deterministic, and it essentially denies that God created a unique reality and guides His creation through Divine Providence – instead, every possible reality that could have happened has happened and is happening, just not in our reality… which turns out to be ultimately no more objectively important than any other reality. I just think it’s a whole lot of bogus and bad philosophy.

The objective collapse theory is far superior (and more compatible with the Catholic faith), in my opinion, even if it’s not quite as “fun” as having an infinite number of alternate realities. 🙂
For God, there is no past to change, and no future to fortell. It’s all the same to him.
Can God change the past? I don’t mean change the consequences of some past action, but actually change the past so the action never took place.

It would be hard to know if God had changed something in the past, because we wouldn’t remember it, i.e. as far as we were concerned it didn’t happen.

There’s an old song that goes, “Today will be yesterday tomorrow.” So perhaps in guiding the events of today God is changing the past of tomorrow, and likewise in guiding the events of yesterday he changed the past of today. In other words, our lives are different to what they could have been. God saw the future and changed the past of that future.

However, that’s not the same as God allowing something to happen and then going back and not allowing it to happening. That would be tantamount to God contradicting himself. So I guess the question is: can God contradict himself? Looked at this way the answer would be No.

This means that there are some things God can not do. This is ture, of course; God can not do anything that is contrary to his nature. God can’t stop being God.

What do you think?
This is an old medieval problem, most often discussed in the form “can God restore virginity” (not just in the physical sense, but in the sense of making the loss of virginity never have happened–this may seem like an odd example, but bear in mind that the people discussing this were mostly monks!). St. Peter Damian held that God could change the past, but most people disagreed with him. This led to a more careful formulation of just what God’s omnipotence means–usually defined as the ability to do anything that doesn’t involve a contradiction or violate God’s nature (which would involve a contradiction, in fact, since God’s nature is necessary and unchangeable). Some later medieval philosophers such as William Ockham were less sure about the “God’s nature” part, because they questioned the very idea of unchangeable essences and radically limited what we can know about God by reason. Modern philosophers of religion discuss this quite a bit and have raised some good questions–see the article on “Omnipotence” by Brian Leftow in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, for instance–but as on so many issues I’m not convinced that they’ve got very far beyond Aquinas, and in some ways their conclusions seem l(to me) ess logical and elegant than his.

In his Sentences Commentary (if I remember rightly), Aquinas gives the following classification:
  1. Things that God could not do even if (impossibly) He could will them (such as cease to exist or make something have two contradictory properties at the same time in the same way)
  2. Things that God cannot do because He cannot will them (such as lie or otherwise do evil)
  3. Things that God could do “by absolute power” but has chosen not to (create a species of three-legged animals, for instance)
  4. Things that God has chosen to do by “ordained power” (create human beings, for instance)
There may have been another level or two in there that I’ve forgotten. It’s been some years since I looked at this.

THANK YOU. 👍 I’m very glad to see that someone provided that.
And yes, I’m also very much inclined to agree with Aquinas on this question.

…doesn’t guarantee he has an excellent grasp on philosophy, however. 😉

The multiple realities (or “many worlds”) interpretation of quantum mechanics is just that… one interpretation. And one that I pretty much completely don’t agree with. Mostly because it’s more philosophy than theory, it’s borderline deterministic, and it essentially denies that God created a unique reality and guides His creation through Divine Providence – instead, every possible reality that could have happened has happened and is happening, just not in our reality… which turns out to be ultimately no more objectively important than any other reality. I just think it’s a whole lot of bogus and bad philosophy.

The objective collapse theory is far superior (and more compatible with the Catholic faith), in my opinion, even if it’s not quite as “fun” as having an infinite number of alternate realities. 🙂
No, I dont really think that this approach is against thelogy at all. Also rember that these scientists are the kind of person that need empirical evidence to accept anything, and like virutaly every physicist now believe that this makes a lot of sense.

There has been allegations in quantum mechanics refering to “many” realities in “one” reality at the same time, and things like that.
For example there is this mental experiment call “Shrodiger’s cat”.,sid9_gci341236,00.html’s_cat

Also there has been exams that show that people are able to have previous knowledge of say a random image before it is actualy is showed.

here there is a video about it, it is at the end:

This might point out to many realities in one at the same time.
I dont know how could this works, but it seems that they might be fluctuating in existens. or that there are many in one exact moment. and I dont really think that contradicts theology at all. Perhaps it might just be beyond our understanding of how everything works.
No, I dont really think that this approach is against thelogy at all.
It… depends on what exactly we’re talking about.

I don’t have a problem with the possibility of other dimensions/universes per se – God’s creation certainly might be far grander than we know – but the MWI (Many Worlds Interpretation) of quantum mechanics, in particular, is very troublesome to me.

Here, have a look at this:

“Many-worlds denies the objective reality of wavefunction collapse …Many-worlds claims to resolve all the “paradoxes” of quantum theory since every possible outcome to every event defines or exists in its own “history” or “world”. In layman’s terms, this means that there is a very large, perhaps infinite, number of universes and that everything that could possibly happen in our universe (but doesn’t) does happen in some other universes.”

It’s a very popular theory in science fiction, yes, but it’s… screwy. Just think about what this implies. Somewhere out there, there’s a universe where dinosaurs still exist. There’s a universe where our sun is a red giant. There’s a universe where your parents were never born. There a universe where they were, but you were never born. There’s another universe where your parents died and left you as an orphan. There’s also a universe where you were exactly the same as who you are now, except you never got to this my response to your post, because you had a heart attack and died five minutes ago. There’s a universe where you were never a Catholic. There’s a universe where Adolph Hitler never existed. There’s a universe where aliens have already invaded earth and destroyed us all. There’s a million billion trillion variations on this universe, and they all exist out there “around us” in some unimaginable way. And maybe that sounds kind of cool. I understand, I really do.

But now think about the havoc that this plays on theology: because there are universes out there where Adam and Eve never had children, Abraham actually killed Isaac anyway, Mary said “no” to Gabriel, and Christ decided not to go through with the crucifixion. But let’s skip that and go to philosophy: you don’t have free will to make real choices – instead, every choice that you ever could have made, you actually have made somewhere else. It really is an attempt to put Newtonian determinism back into physics, after the initial discovery of quantum mechanics shattered it into a million pieces. Now, instead of one fixed universe, there’s a million of them, and the existence of choice/unpredictability is just an illusion that you see in the version of the universe you ended up in.

…But back to where I was: there’s also going to be the fact that, out of the several hundred thousand million versions of “you” that exist out there, about half of them are going to end up going to heaven and half are going to end up going to hell. Same holds true for everyone else in the world. You’re not really a very unique individual after all, and God never really had a special plan for your life – everything that ever could have happened to you actually did, just to another version of you in another reality. You just happened to end up in this version of reality, for no real reason – one version of you had to be here, after all.

And I’ll just have to force myself to stop there, because if I don’t I could just keep on going for a loooong time. The point I’m trying to make, though, is that I find MWI theory very philosophically disturbing, and I don’t think it’s actually compatible with the Catholic faith. The truth is, there is only one version of this reality, where every choice that we make really does have an eternal significance, where there is a purpose for everything that happens, and where every single day adds a new page to the amazing history of this unique universe that God has created, and is constantly guiding through His Divine Providence.
Also remember that these scientists are the kind of person that need empirical evidence to accept anything, and like virutally every physicist now believe that this makes a lot of sense.
No, unfortunately… quantum mechanics is still very much up in the air, as far as scientific theories go. Very little has been decided. And ee’re not dealing with normal scientific theories here… these are little more than hypotheses, with almost no special evidence to back them up, invented to possibly help explain quantum mechanics. But for the most part, scientists are still stumbling around in the dark, feeling around for all sorts of objects, and hoping they might get lucky and run into a light switch.

At the same time, we’re dealing with these hypotheses that are often more philosophical interpretations of quantum mechanics than anything else. And there’s simply a whole lot of well-meaning scientists out there who have no idea what they’re really talking about when it comes to philosophy. They say “oh, that’s a cool theory, because it would allow for all this cool stuff that I really like”, and then they study that and become “experts” on a fun or popular “scientific theory” that might not ever be capable of being proved or disproved.
There has been allegations in quantum mechanics refering to “many” realities in “one” reality at the same time, and things like that.
There are a lot of interpretations of quantum mechanics:

And actually, the original Copenhagen interpretation is still generally on top, as most-widely-accepted among physicists.

And Objective collapse theory (which I like best) is very similar:
“Objective collapse theories… are realistic, indeterministic and reject hidden variables. The approach is similar to the Copenhagen interpretation, but more firmly objective.”
For example there is this mental experiment call “Shrodiger’s cat”.’s_cat
I’m familiar with it. But I say the cat is either alive, or it’s dead. God alone knows, and decides. But it’s one or the other, not both at the same time… that’s just an absolutely absurd idea.
Also there has been exams that show that people are able to have previous knowledge of say a random image before it is actually is showed.

here there is a video about it, it is at the end:
  1. I’m not quite sure what to think about that. I guess there’s nothing too problematic, but I’d still like to make sure it’s not terribly disputed in the scientific community. At any rate, it’s a very limited sort of “precognition”, so nothing tremendously earth-shattering.
  2. That’s dealing with quantum entanglement anyway, which is fine. It’s actually a rather well-known phenomenon, from what I understand. But it doesn’t really apply to the whole Copenhagen vs. MWI interpretations of quantum mechanics debate. If anything, I could even see it being problematic for MWI, if it seems to indicate that there’s one objective reality in the future. But I don’t know… I’m not too worried about quantum entanglement. 😛
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