Free will is the most import attribute of our being. Here I am providing two arguments the first one is about the fact that no-one can understand free will cognitively. The second argument is about the fact that God cannot create a being with free will.
A) One cannot be cognitively open to free will:
A) One cannot be cognitively open to free will:
- Free will is the ability to choose one option among at lease two options
- Assume that we are cognitively open to free will
- This means that given the option one can precisely know the outcome
- This means that our action is like outcome of a function
- This means that our action are not free
- So by now we should agree that either free will is not real or we cannot be connectivity open to free will.
- God can create being with free will
- God needs to be cognitively open to free will in order to create a being with free will.
- From A6) we learn that God cannot be cognitively open to free will otherwise the being is not free.
- Creation a person with free will is logically impossible.