Can I be Catholic?

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I am having a hard time with my Catholic Faith. I guess I am called a cradle catholic. I grew up in a catholic family but never was told why we did the things we did. I have been away from the church for about 14 years and now I started researching the catholic faith in more detail. Part of this was because, one of my girlfriends was preaching Anti-Catholic theology to me.

I’ve went to confession, and confessed all my mortal sins that I remembered within 14 years of failing from the church. I have been very good and have not commited any mortal sins for 1 week. But I am struggling so hard and find it impossible to be out of mortal sin from what the church has instructed.

I have two mortal sins that I never realized that they were mortal and now I cannot in my heart go to Mass and receive communnion. I feel there is no point. I think I will fail on and off while I am fighting my bad habits. Should I just go to church when I am free of my temptations? I cannot go to confession either knowing that I will comitt the since again out of my weakness and selfishness. I’d be in the confessional every other week, confessing the same sins and isn’t it a mortal sin to keep on committing them? Also, I lack the courage of going to confession - it took me 14 years and I had to go to a different parish.

I guess I am lost. I feel that confession and receiving the Eurcharist is pushing me away from the Church.
I have two mortal sins that I never realized that they were mortal and now I cannot in my heart go to Mass and receive communnion. I feel there is no point. I think I will fail on and off while I am fighting my bad habits. Should I just go to church when I am free of my temptations? I cannot go to confession either knowing that I will comitt the since again out of my weakness and selfishness. I’d be in the confessional every other week, confessing the same sins and isn’t it a mortal sin to keep on committing them?
Hey, join the club. I had particular habit that I needed to break and I was in the confessional almost every Saturday. I finally overcame it though 👍 . I haven’t confessed that sin in a long time.

The thing is, you gotta be firmly resolved not to sin again. You obviously don’t want to sin anymore? That desire is enough. Don’t worry about falling into again. Come out of the confessional striving to not do it anymore–to totally resist temptation. If you fall into sin again, get back to confession and come out with the same resolve. You’ll beat it with God’s grace, just be patient and focus on his mercy.
Also, I lack the courage of going to confession - it took me 14 years and I had to go to a different parish.
Priests have heard it all. Nothing shocks them anymore. I used to have this problem too. It’s the pride that gets in the way. Just put that ego aside and get in there:) . You can do it!
I’ve went to confession, and confessed all my mortal sins that I remembered within 14 years of failing from the church.

I have two mortal sins that I never realized that they were mortal and now I cannot in my heart go to Mass and receive communnion. I feel there is no point. I think I will fail on and off while I am fighting my bad habits. Should I just go to church when I am free of my temptations? I cannot go to confession either knowing that I will comitt the since again out of my weakness and selfishness. I’d be in the confessional every other week, confessing the same sins and isn’t it a mortal sin to keep on committing them? Also, I lack the courage of going to confession - it took me 14 years and I had to go to a different parish.

I guess I am lost. I feel that confession and receiving the Eurcharist is pushing me away from the Church.
If you realize a sin after you’ve had a genuine confession, all your sins are absolved and you need not worry even if it is mortal. It might make you feel better to confess it next time you go to confession, but be sure to explain that you forgot or didn’t realize it. You still receive absolution unless you willfully withheld the mortal sin. In which case you would still need to confess it.

And don’t say you lack the courage. You went after 14 years of not going. That is incredible courage.

Keep going to church by all means. And if you had a genuine confession, receive the Eucharist.
God has given you the grace to come home, and he will give you the grace to perservere. Frequent confession is exactly what will help you with your struggles. Confession is a source of grace, kind of like a vitamin for the soul helping you to become stronger. If Pope John Paul went to confession once a week there is no shame in you going. Confession is often difficult especially if you have been away from the sacraments for such a long time. But it gets easier the more often you go. Trust me, I’ve been there.

I would consider seeking a spiritual director (it doesn’t have to be a priest at your particular parish if that makes you uncomfortable.)

Do not be too hard on yourself. You have had 14 years to develope vices contrary to the faith. There is little chance these things will go away over night. It took time for these sinful habits to develope and it will take time for you to break the sinful habits.

Mass is also a source of grace even if you are unable to recieve communion. Please continue attending Mass. It is not just about receiving communion (although it is a central and important part) it about worshipping our God.

And keep coming to the forum we’re here to support each other. We all struggle with sin.
Don’t give up on the Confession and Communion! They will give you unbounded graces to persevere and to be healed and delivered from whatever it is that is trying to get you.

Once a week is not too much for confession. A simple list of your sins is enough, no need to go into a long explanation or conversation, unless you connect with this priest, and want to talk with him.

I also highly recommend just going to sit for a while in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, either in the tabernacle or at adoration, every chance you get. I know a priest who recommends this from the pulpit every chance he gets, and he has heard of many conversions from this practice. You are hurting, I can hear it, this will help and heal you spiritually.
Good luck.
Don’t stop going to Holy Mass even if you can’t receive, God has called you back. Always remember that the Church is a Hospital for sinners and Jesus is the Physician, there is no sin that God will not forgive. Ask for the grace to help you with your difficulties and with hope, patience and love God will take over in your life only if you’re willing to let him in. Step by step we begin to walk towards Jesus, we fall but God will always lift us up so we can continue. I will pray for you! 🙂
I am having a hard time with my Catholic Faith. I guess I am called a cradle catholic. I grew up in a catholic family but never was told why we did the things we did. I have been away from the church for about 14 years and now I started researching the catholic faith in more detail. Part of this was because, one of my girlfriends was preaching Anti-Catholic theology to me.

I’ve went to confession, and confessed all my mortal sins that I remembered within 14 years of failing from the church. I have been very good and have not commited any mortal sins for 1 week. But I am struggling so hard and find it impossible to be out of mortal sin from what the church has instructed.

I have two mortal sins that I never realized that they were mortal and now I cannot in my heart go to Mass and receive communnion. I feel there is no point. I think I will fail on and off while I am fighting my bad habits. Should I just go to church when I am free of my temptations? I cannot go to confession either knowing that I will comitt the since again out of my weakness and selfishness. I’d be in the confessional every other week, confessing the same sins and isn’t it a mortal sin to keep on committing them? Also, I lack the courage of going to confession - it took me 14 years and I had to go to a different parish.

I guess I am lost. I feel that confession and receiving the Eurcharist is pushing me away from the Church.
Don’t think of it as confession think of it as Reconciliation.

Know that Christ is always calling you back to him. Know in your heart that he sets us free from sin. So there is no need to be sad and worry. God does not expect you to be perfect. He only wants you to turn to him when you fall down.

Understand that the lord knows how you feel. You are blessed enough to realize that when you fall from the path Christ is always there to help you get back on it. When you turn to christ and ask for forgivness you are asking christ to give you a hand. It doesn’t mater how many times you run from him. He will always call out for you. He will always help you up when you fall.

What matters to Christ is how you are now, not what you did before. Is your soul ready to be granted eternal life? If it isn’t then don’t worry. Ask Christ to forgive you and try your best to run toward the goal of eternal life. Ask him to help you and protect you from sin.

You have to look at your life not as a journey, but as a race for eternal life. When you see the goal you won’t be so afraid of the path and you won’t run away from it.

Focus on wanting eternal life in your heart. When you do that you won’t sin. You will be running so fast toward the goal that you won’t have time to be distracted.

Consider what it is in your life that you can do to help others. Even if all you can do right now is give money to a charity over the internet do it! You will feel in your heart how much Jesus is happy with you.
I have two mortal sins that I never realized that they were mortal and now I cannot in my heart go to Mass and receive communion. I feel there is no point.
First of all, please get yourself a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For a sin to be mortal, you must meet three conditions: It must be a very grave sin, you must know it is a very grave sin, and you must freely and intentionally commit it anyway.

So, if you didn’t know, it wasn’t a mortal sin. Furthermore, the absolution you recently received in confession freed you from ALL old sins, remembered and confessed, or forgotten, or left out because you were nervous and/or the priest was short on time. It would only be an invalid confession if you knowingly and intentionally were unrepentant of a sin which you knew to be a sin.
I think I will fail on and off while I am fighting my bad habits. Should I just go to church when I am free of my temptations? I cannot go to confession either knowing that I will comitt the since again out of my weakness and selfishness. I’d be in the confessional every other week, confessing the same sins and isn’t it a mortal sin to keep on committing them?
Have you ever heard of Scott Hahn, the nationally-known apologist? He came to our church on a speaking tour and hit this issue right on the head.

You see, he had the same problem. So he asked the priest for help, because time after time he was confessing the same sins. I’ll never forget the priest’s answer: “What do you want? New sins?” Then the priest commended him for his continual focus on his struggle to purify himself, especially when so many of the rest of us make rationalization a habit.
Also, I lack the courage of going to confession - it took me 14 years and I had to go to a different parish.
Boy, do I understand THAT lack of courage. One thing I know - that since I was raised in a completely different part of the country, my voice is unmistakable around here. I, too, prefer to seek an opportunity for confession with a priest other than my own pastor. It’s OK - the priests understand, too.
I guess I am lost. I feel that confession and receiving the Eurcharist is pushing me away from the Church.
Don’t be. You just have some misconceptions about the Catholic teaching on sin. Please ask your pastor about the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. It’s for both would-be Catholics and for any cradle Catholic who wants a wonderful refresher course - classes should be starting everywhere right about now.

By the way, did you know that even the Pope goes to confession weekly or more often?

God bless you. Welcome home!!! :blessyou:
Thank you so much to everyone who has posted on this thread. Especially to the OP. Very helpful :yup:
Thank you so much to everyone who has posted on this thread. Especially to the OP. Very helpful :yup:
Did I kill this thread with that comment? :o I hope not.

I think many people can be helped on this subject. It can be very confusing when you get this kind of doubts. Sometimes it is very tempting to quit instead of going to confession on a regular basis.
I am having a hard time with my Catholic Faith. I guess I am called a cradle catholic. I grew up in a catholic family but never was told why we did the things we did. I have been away from the church for about 14 years and now I started researching the catholic faith in more detail. Part of this was because, one of my girlfriends was preaching Anti-Catholic theology to me.

I’ve went to confession, and confessed all my mortal sins that I remembered within 14 years of failing from the church. I have been very good and have not commited any mortal sins for 1 week. But I am struggling so hard and find it impossible to be out of mortal sin from what the church has instructed.

I have two mortal sins that I never realized that they were mortal and now I cannot in my heart go to Mass and receive communnion. I feel there is no point. I think I will fail on and off while I am fighting my bad habits. Should I just go to church when I am free of my temptations? I cannot go to confession either knowing that I will comitt the since again out of my weakness and selfishness. I’d be in the confessional every other week, confessing the same sins and isn’t it a mortal sin to keep on committing them? Also, I lack the courage of going to confession - it took me 14 years and I had to go to a different parish.

I guess I am lost. I feel that confession and receiving the Eurcharist is pushing me away from the Church.
In the middle of a dark night, it can seem easy to forget that dawn will surely follow.

I have struggled from repetitive sins of grave matter before and at times it felt unbreakable. Yet it is humbling and good to practice Confession and Communion on a regular basis. Even though I may/may not have been in mortal sin the sin was grave matter so I confessed before Communicating .Eventually the evil habit was broken. I struggle from other sins everyone does and will all my/their life/lives. Confession is a God-send - despair is not, do not be afraid :Relax in God’s mercy and peace. God Bless, JG
Welcome to the crowd of been there, done that. I left the Church basically for 10 years also because I too could not break a sinful habit. I came back with another habit but have since broken that one as well. Prayer and the sacraments helps.

I probably should NOT have left in the first place but I had one of the confessions, where the or priest questioned why I was coming back over and over with the same sin. I should have just went to another confessor with better advice.

It takes time to overcome some sins and you can do it far better within the Church than outside of it.

Jesus tells us the just man sins 70 times a day. We are all sinners and probably will be until the day we die. Confession is Christ’s way of helping us deal with sin. IF you leave the Church again, you will be removing a helpful tool to get rid of your sins.

No one wants to go to confession and repeat embarassing sins but instead of feeling embarassed we should be focusing on the feeling of relief that we have AFTER confession. Sometimes just knowing that I would have to go to confession helps prevent me from committing a sin in the first place.

It’s probably been years since I’ve had to confess any one my problem sins, and the idea that I would have to confess those again is a small part of what keeps me away from those sins. Now I go to confession for my obligation and to work on relatively minor sins. It’s a difficult road but you will be far stronger in the long run for having overcome your habits.

Just remember the priests have heard them all, your sins are not unique and your problems are not unique. The priests are there to help us through the tough times, and when you are going to confession you are receiving a sacrament, just as important if not more so than receiving Holy Communion. Approach confession not a punishement or as a burden, but as an opportunity to grow and overcome your weaknesses.

The more flaws and problems we can fix on earth the less we will have to work on them in Purgatory. It is far easier and far less painful to fix them here than afterwards. Embarassment is much easier to handle than purifying fire.

Christ’s Peace.
Even St. Paul, long after his conversion confessed In Rom7 that:

“We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate(to do), I do. … As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.”
It is our nature to sin… often :(, but it is in God’s nature to forgive us. The Sacraments are meant to keep us aware of this, and to give us spiritual food for the journey. God knows that the one who must confess before another is given the opportunity to contemplate the nature of sin, and of mercy, and with enough practice, will eventually leave that sin behind.

Stay in the race! Go to the Sacraments of the Church for help and let God love you into a whole new being! I will keep you in prayer.
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