Hi, I just wanted to ask a question. I’m an unwed mom raising a child who just turned 8 years old. I was 20 when she was born. We attended Mass for several months when she was 2, but I felt increasingly uncomfortable, and finally stopped going. I watched a movie recently about Dorothy Day, feminist and unwed mom turned Catholic, who started Catholic Worker in New York. That got me thinking, what’s really wrong with my daughter and me becoming Catholic? I would like to explore this, at least to figure out why I’ve been drawn to it for over ten years, when I was raised Protestant. Just for background info on my situation, let me mention that I was a backslidden Protestant and was “living wrong” but trying to get back on the right track, when I was sexually attacked and became pregnant. I intend to withhold this information from my child as long as possible, hopefully forever. I feel it would damage her psychologically, and I’m trying to protect her. I didn’t tell my family the whole truth for several years, to prevent any further shame. My friends disappeared one by one, because I felt that I could not justify myself to them without doing more harm than good. I have lived in complete celibacy since giving birth, and have no plans to date or to seek a husband. I kept the baby because I felt it was the right thing to do, and my family supported my decision, and have been there every step of the way, even taking us in when we had nowhere else to go. I’ve lived and learned a lot the hard way, but I’m a more patient and caring person than I’ve ever been in my entire life, and my precious child is the joy of the whole family. The one thing I haven’t been able to give her is a Church. We have bounced from one denomination to another, with horrible comments ringing in our ears as we finally decide to leave one after another… I’m so scared to walk into another one and try again. I have repented of the sins I committed, but that was all years ago, and is far behind me. I’m a different person now than I was during my brief period of young adult rebellion, but I don’t know how to make anyone understand that. One of the hardest things is when married women assume I’m trying to flirt with their husbands. I have more respect for them, for myself, and for God than to do that. I apologize for the length of this post. I guess I had a little weight that I needed to get off my chest. I have prayed about all these things for years, but maybe I need to hear some words from my fellow humans. Please don’t worry about offending me when you reply. I wouldn’t ask questions if I didn’t genuinely want your answers and opinions.