Can I be forgiven?

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I say God’s name in vain a lot when I am frustrated or angry. I have even said when I pray that I promise not to again. But it keeps happening. Just when I think I have it I say it again. I feel so guilty and sad and no God does not deserve this. What should I do? Its eating me alive. I love God and Jesus and pray every night. What can I do to stop this? I feel pretty soon I will not be able to be forgiven.
Confession should help. You will feel better after and you won’t want to keep confessing it. A strong resolution to stop and confession every time you fail is probably your best bet. You can stop.
I would also try to stop being angry . . . ok, easier said than done, I know! But sometimes when we allow ourselves to get angry, we do things we wouldn’t do other wise, so any time you feel that adrenaline rushing and the anger coming on, see if perhaps you can instantly pray to relax, ask Jesus for guidance, and not let your emotions lead you into sin.

And of course you can be forgiven! 🙂
Confession would help because not only are you absolved of the sins you confess (provided you make a good confession) you also receive graces that would help you overcome your sins.
I have the same problem and am trying to find my little booklet called Holy Name of Jesus, which says that when you hear the Name of the Lord taken in vain, say (either 1 or three times) the Name of our Lord reverently and with love.

When I do it,it helps… then I stop, but then later I slip up!

God will always forgive us if we are sincere in wanting to stop.
2 things:

Confession, go weekly if possible. Go as often as you want, confess it every time, the more you go, the more grace you will get to overcome this.
I feel pretty soon I will not be able to be forgiven.
Don’t feel like that. Like one saint said, don’t be so proud to think your sins are so big that they cannot be forgiven. Seriously, we are so lucky to have confession!!! We know we are forgiven after confession plus we get that bonus grace to help us.

Also, ok three things, try to come up with some alternatives to wean yourself off from swearing.
I feel pretty soon I will not be able to be forgiven.
Dear Darren, BEWARE of that feeling. One of the most common tactics of the devil is to try to convince us that this is possible.
I spent years away from the Church because I was convinced of this. I kept falling on the same sin (a different one than yours) until the devil got me to believe “what´s the point of trying, you sin so much you are not able to be forgiven anyway”. Sometimes these ideas are even more dangerous that whatever sin you´re doing in the first place, because they make you loose hope and can lead you to just stop trying.
Don´t let the devil fool you Darren, you can ALWAYS be forgiven. For anything, it doesn´t matter what you have done, or how many times you´ve done it. God´s mercy has no limits.

Now, I recommend you regular confession and prayer. Don´t be despair if you keep falling, just keep trying. God wants you to be faithful. I will pray for you
I have (had?) the exact same problem. A few months ago during a confession a priest suggested I say a Hail Mary immediately after using the Lord’s name to curse. I help a lot! It made me aware of when I’m doing it and now I’m able to control it.
All sins are forgiven by our lord, I want you to take this into consideration, the devil is the father of all lies, it can very well be mockery, ask god to give you the strength for forgivness, Saint Peter ask our lord how many times we must forgive, seven times, our lord said not seven times but seventy seven times , therefore always. 😉

God Bless.
I agree that confession helps.

One thing further that I would add. If you are finding yourself using God’s name while you are frustrated or angry, why don’t you look at it as an invitation to pray? Don’t just say the Lord’s name in vain - turn it into a prayer, then you will really find some comfort when you need it the most, when you are frustrated or angry. Remember, God is always there for you and will always love and forgive you if you ask Him to.
I agree that confession helps.

One thing further that I would add. If you are finding yourself using God’s name while you are frustrated or angry, why don’t you look at it as an invitation to pray? Don’t just say the Lord’s name in vain - turn it into a prayer, then you will really find some comfort when you need it the most, when you are frustrated or angry. Remember, God is always there for you and will always love and forgive you if you ask Him to.
Thats exactly what I do. When i do (on the rare occasion) find myself cursing I slow it right down, and turn it into prayer.

Although, you should also try and stop doing it though.
Oh man, I do the same thing. When I worked I was involved with women who were dealing with severe abuse issues and they were very comfortable with all swear words as a kinda empowerment thing. Of course I said them too. For a decade…
I find that it is related to anger and frustration for me and I have to do confession about once a month to keep on top of it. I HAVE been able to make a great change with the grace that comes from confession. I try to get ahead of the frustration in my life also, but I now know when I am getting really “ugly”.
Unfortuntely my older kids have heard this, but they have also seen it turn around in the last two years.Glory be to God!
I hate that this is a constant struggle because I’m a “nice girl” and I feel really evil. I’m counting on God’s forgiveness in this because I suck so bad… 😦
If you slip and take the Lord’s name in vain, in the heat of anger say, can you receive communion before you go to Reconciliation again?
Satan is having a good time with you! Anytime we get our ‘needle stuck in the groove’ in sin, Satan wins.

Instead of yelling God…xxxxxxx, how about yelling “GOD HELP ME, GOD HELP ME!”

It’s a good substitute!
I understand your situation very well, years ago I struggled with somewhat the same situation. Most things we do are just habits and that is what you have a habit that needs to be broken. Try to break this habit by saying another word in place of the bad ones for a few days soon your problem will go away, it worked for me. Now for me to say a really bad word is not common at all.
I found that being committed, attending Mass, Communion , Confession and prayer will overcome this fault

After quite some time I discovered I was no longer taking the Lords name in vain, I am sure this was a prayer answered.
I feel pretty soon I will not be able to be forgiven.
i think i understand what you feel, but don’t give in to it. don’t! God likes to forgive repentant sinners.

we’re praying for you.
You can ALWAYS be forgiven! The only unforgivable sin is despair and thinking you can never be forgiven. (Look at Judas…) You don’t have to commit suicide to be unforgiven (and not all suicides are unforgivable…God is the only judge of what’s forgivable or not!!!), you can die of natural causes; but if you go thinking you can never be forgiven, you’ve literally shut the doors on Jesus and there’s no way He can forgive you. Don’t despair! Trust in Him!

Another point I’d like to make is good ol’ habit of making “deals” with God. Don’t promise God that you’ll get over your sins (or say I’ll do this God, if You do that for me). We’re born sinners. Promise Him that you’ll do your best to love Him and serve Him, and that you’ll continually try your best. God loves it when you’re able to pick yourself up and continue trying to do His will. He is forever patient, merciful, understanding, and loving!

What I’d suggest with the cussing is this: Turn it into something good. If you say “D*mn…” finish it with “…the devil.” Or something similar to that. Or either that get a jar, and put a quarter in for each time you slip. Use the money for some sort of tithing or to treat your friends in someway. Either way, you still need continue to confess it and try to conquer the habit. God will reward you for your continual efforts. And remember, change isn’t always sudden. A lot of times it’s gradual.

I’d suggest getting the My Daily Bread book by Anthony J. Paone, S.J. It will be able to assist you.

God bless.
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