Can I get a reccomendation?

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Hello, I’m currently a seminary student at a protestant school in TX and want to have some variety in my theological library for use in my papers. Can anyone recommend both a good Catholic one-volume commentary and also a systematic theology? I’d like to have at least a 1 vol commentary but if you know a good multi-volume I’d keep it on my list (I can only spend so much money on commentaries so like to keep buying to one volume for now 🙂 ). They can be from anywhere on the theological spectrum, but would prefer something in the middle to conservative range. Thanks!
The one volume you must have is the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
I haven’t had the time to read my recommendation, but others whose word I trust all swear by: Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ludwig Ott. Also, check out Francis Sheed’s writings as well as Orthodoxy and The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton (I’ve read these last two titles and recommend them highly, although they are not works of systematic theology they embody the very spirit and soul of Catholic theology which is often more useful than drier academic works).
I personally have never read this book, but you might want to check out Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Dr. Ludwig Ott.
I agree with buzzcut. If you can only have one Catholic book, get the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This particular edition includes an index of the Catechism’s thousands of the direct or indirect citations of Sacred Scripture which will give you a clue how the Church understands various Scripture passages.
Unfortunately, I know of no *one-volume * Catholic Bible commentary that I could whole-heartedly recommend (I own several including the Jerome Commentary, the New American Bible Study Edition, etc).

Your best bet is the Navarre series. It is multivolume, but perhaps you can aquire them a book at a time or ask for them as Christmas or birthday gifts. Each of them are unique in that each contain articles of a general nature (unrelated to the specific book they are covering) that sheds much light on Catholic biblical principles.
An old Catholic commentary on the New Testament, from the 1859 edition of Haydock’s Catholic Family Bible and Commentary, is available online here.

The Catholic New American Bible with book introductions and footnotes is available online here.

By the way, the *Catechism of the Catholic Church *is also available online here.

Another handy resource in the old 1917 Catholic Encyclopedia available online here.
Definitely the Catachem of the Catholic Church is what you want.
Thanks everyone, several of those are in our library here so I will now know which ones to use. I did plan on getting my own copy of your Catechism as a resource (it’s also nice to not have to run to the library to get something!). The online resources will be good, I already use your encyclopedia, and I find it’s an excellent resource actually. I’ll be looking into buying some of these suggestions, and integrating them into my exegeticals and theology research papers. I hope to maybe learn a thing or two about your perspective while on these forums when I have time, so I will also be able to contribute a little better.
Hello, I’m currently a seminary student at a protestant school in TX and want to have some variety in my theological library for use in my papers.
Hello and welcome to Catholic Answers forum.
If/when you purchase a copy of the Catechism, I strongly recommend getting the larger volume with the darker cover. The official text is the same as the smaller version, but it’s much easier find things in the larger one because it has a better indexes. That includes an index of citation with thirty plus pages with all the Bible passages sited in the Catechism listed in order from Genesis through Revelation.

I also want to thank you for seeking to include a Catholic perspective on the Bible in your papers and studies. May God richly bless you as you seek to learn more fully how to interpret and preach His word.
Unfortunately, it’s OOP, but I purchased Bernard Orchard’s “*A Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture” *from Loome Books. It was originally published in the 1950’s
You need the Catechism of the Council of Trent. This has been recommended by Pope Benedict XVI.
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