Can it ever be sinful not to go to mass even when we are dispensed?

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just wondering, we are sitll dispensed where i am since we are not allowed gatherings of more than 50 people. rotating mass schedule means that people genereally get a turn to go to mass every 6 weeks or so right now, unless you try to drop in and hope that there are some empty spots where someone hasn’t shown up. it’s been very difficult for me to go at all mainly because my parents really don’t allow me to go anywhere besides work right now, so i only managed to go to mass once when they were out for a day, another time i tried to go but my mom had moved all my stuff so it took a while to find everything, got halfway to the bus stop and realized tha ti forgot my purse so decided to try a later mass, then the neightbor was outside so i was trying to avoid him seeing me and took another route that was a bit longer but underestimated the time and ended up missing the bus again. i really am trying my best though but i have heard of a lot of people who just don’t sign up at all for mass but still go out to restaurants or see friends etc… what about in those cases? they’re not worried about covid, they’re just choosing to not go at all just because

i guess maybe i just don’t really understand how this dispensation works? really not used to not having the sunday obligation

i guess maybe i just don’t really understand how this dispensation works? really not used to not having the sunday obligation
Those at risk or care for those at risk and those concerned for their family becoming sick through them should stay at home. If possible view a broadcast or online Mass. But Sunday remains the day of rest for some time in personal prayer, meditation Sunday readings and making a spiritual Communion.

There may be a diocese website with an article on this for your diocese.
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I do not believe the Easter Duty was ever dispensed. In that case, you still have the obligation to receive Communion at least once during Easter Time, either at Mass or brought to you, and of course, you must be in a state of grace in order to receive.
If you are dispensed you are dispensed. The only possible sin is if you were dispensed, but could go to Mass but you choose not to specifically to offend God.
Local law in the United States is that you can fulfill Easter Duty as early as Ash Wednesday and as late as Trinity Sunday.
well, isn’t that kind of what people are doing if they do esentially everything else? but it comes to mass it’s like"meh, we don’t have to go"
Local law in the United States is that you can fulfill Easter Duty as early as Ash Wednesday and as late as Trinity Sunday.
Well, considering most folks didn’t see it coming that all the churches would be closed, let’s not start causing everyone to panic, especially the scrupulous on here. Perhaps we can get clergy to allay Angel’s worries (and anyone else reading this who now is freaking out and thinking they’re in mortal sin for not demanding their priest bring the Communion during the lockdown if they didn’t receive from Ash Wednesday till the doors were reopened.)
I’m not a cleric, but I’ll offer this.
"Can. 920 §1. After being initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, each of the faithful is obliged to receive holy communion at least once a year.
§2. This precept must be fulfilled during the Easter season unless it is fulfilled for a just cause at another time during the year."
Dispensed is exactly that. DISPENSED.

No, you cannot sin during a dispensation by not going to Mass as the requirement is dispensed.

No, you cannot sin by not making your Easter Duty because the period of time to do so was covered by the dispensation.

No, you cannot sin by not watching TV or Livestream Mass, or anything of the sort. Those are simply nice accommodations by your parishes to help you stay close to your parish family. Not required, just a kind thing offered for you.

And, I’ll make a preemptive strike, because I can feel this one coming - no you cannot sin if your bishop has dispensed you but you travel to or through another locale where the dispensation has been lifted; you are not bound by the place you are visiting.

Instead of worrying about sinning, perhaps offer a Rosary to beseech Christ our True God to deliver us a vaccine very soon.

Deacon Christopher
If you’re dispensed, then it is not sinful to miss Mass on Sundays or HDOs. Period, final. You are not obligated to attend.

Are you scrupulous? Your post suggests an inordinate level of worry about this.
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lol, don’t you already know me by now? actually, i was trying not to be but all kinds of weird things kept coming up, so i just figured i’d clarify, i even had someone try to say that we now had an oobligaiton to watch mass if we do not go, which i knwo is not true. i think a lot of people are just confused in this unprecedented situation
for sure, thanks for the claraification, now back to trying to ignore the people who think the covid vacine is going to be the mark of the beast. sigh the craziness just never seems to end
“Meh we don’t have to go” people would not really be the type of people that would care about an obligation anyway.
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