I know how you feel as my husband won’t go to mass with me and his grandchildren I am asking for prayer as I truly miss my bestfriend we have been married for 33 years have been together for almost 35 years we started dating when I was 14 he was 15 . I was 16 he was 17 when we got married I just recently got the calling to join the catholic church but he doesn’t feel the same way. He doesn’t disaprove he thinks that it’s great but he doesn’t want to come with me . this saddens me a great deal .

…God bless all pray for us
I know how hard it is to be Catholic when your spouse doesn’t always support you
But, just keep praying for them, and find common ground. The Bible is great! common ground, and even people like Scott Hahn have been converted after studying Sacred Scripture. Just like when a waiter raves about a particular dish, you want to order it. So, rave about God, what Bible verse has touched you, and why. Ask her about what she learned at her service as well. Then, ask the Holy Spirit that if He wants you to talk to her about some issue, such as Confession, the Pope, etc. that He will open up the door. Whenever I do that, that person comes and asks me about that particular question. They will listen intently to every word I say, and I will see such amazing answers to my prayer. But, if I try to do it on my own, not praying about it, the people at times run, since I am out there pushing my own ideas on them.
But please take courage. My Great-grandmother married a Scottish-Rite person, and then came to a greater understanding of her Faith. He would drive her and their children to Mass every Sunday, but would wait in the car. Every night she would bring the children up to their bedroom and pray a Rosary, asking for his conversion.
One day the children didn’t see any results to their praying for their Father converting, and so they decided that they would pray for something they really wanted - a pony! Within a few short weeks, one day their un-baptized Father went down to an Indian camp and bought them a pony. (see how God uses all kinds of people in all different spiritual states to at times answer our prayers?" Convinced that their prayers were working, they began praying for his conversion again.
One day, as my Grandmother was coming out of Mass, God told her that he would convert after her death. Sure enough, when he was a widower in his 80’s, one day he and one of his friends went down to the Catholic Church, and were baptized into the Catholic Faith! God works in amazing ways. He is truly so good!
The Bible promises us that the saved spouse sanctifies the unsaved one. So, please stay strong in your Faith. Sometimes when I look around, I see where people have come back into the Catholic Faith after they have already been married. Approached properly, their spouses can and actually do come into the Catholic Faith as well. Just make them hungry for all of the joy and peace that you are experiencing from the fullness of the Catholic Faith:thumbsup:
God bless
I will pray for you