Pretty much what dhgray said, only when my husband and I married last year, I had to promise to baptize and raise our children as Catholics, and I had to sign a statement to that effect. My husband, as the non-Catholic, didn’t have to promise anything, but he spoke right up and announced that he didn’t have a problem if our children were Catholic (fortunately). A dispensation is required from the diocese for the “mixed” marriage, but we were barely aware of this: our priest waited until he received our baptismal certificates and then called us in to sign a couple more forms. It was all very painless on our part. (You’ll still have to go through pre-marital counseling with the priest and Pre-Cana sessions, though.)
At the suggestion of our priest, instead of the full Mass we had a nuptial Scripture service, which is essentially the Liturgy of the Word plus the exchange of vows. It was a good compromise because it was still a valid and licit sacrament, but there wasn’t awkwardness when only one spouse could receive the Eucharist (and I can imagine how that would have gone over with my in-laws, not one of whom is Catholic).