Can parents MAKE a minor abort?

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I once read in Dear Abbie a letter from a mother wondering if she should “make” her 12-year-old daughter get an abortion. DA’s answer was something like “You may want to discuss the risks of pregnancy at such a young age with the doctor.” The question of whether or not you can even force a minor to get an abortion never even came up.

I would have assumed that you cannot do this, but several people I know say that, yes, of course you can. “After all, it’s her parents who will have to raise the baby, so they get to have the choice.”

I do know that it’s not unusual for parents to rufuse to let their daughters have any pain medication during labor, and that’s allowed. But, that’s different than forcing her to get a procedure, isn’t it?
I once spoke to Dr. Marcella Colbert, the director the Galveston-Houston Diocese’s Respect Life Office. Dr. Colbert said that after years and years of counseling girls and women who had had abortions, she had never meant a single one who wasn’t coerced into procuring an abortion.

**Can **a parent make a minor abort? Certainly. Women by the hundreds are coerced into getting abortions by parents, the state (in the case of pregnant girls in state custody), boyfriends, deceptive abortion clinic “counselors,” et cetera, each and every day.

– Mark L. Chance.
I don’t doubt what you say…

But I’m talking about legally.
I don’t doubt what you say…

But I’m talking about legally.
Legally? I don’t know. It probably depends on what state we’re talking about.

– Mark L. Chance.
I have not cared for Dear Abby ever since she died and her “progressive” niece took over.

Unfortunatly, since the parents are responsible for their daughter’s health, I fear that it would be legal for them to make that decission for her.
Emily Watson:
I have not cared for Dear Abby ever since she died and her “progressive” niece took over.

Unfortunatly, since the parents are responsible for their daughter’s health, I fear that it would be legal for them to make that decission for her.
Interestingly enough, in Memphis a teen got an abortion without parental consent or notification,there were complications and the girl had to be hospitalised.athe parents sued the abortion mill for the medical care for the “botched” abortion that was done without their consent.The parents lost:rolleyes: They basically said regardless if we didn’t have your permission,regardless of the fact that we injured your minor daughter she’s your and its your problem.God Bless
Interestingly enough, in Memphis a teen got an abortion without parental consent or notification,there were complications and the girl had to be hospitalised.athe parents sued the abortion mill for the medical care for the “botched” abortion that was done without their consent.The parents lost:rolleyes: They basically said regardless if we didn’t have your permission,regardless of the fact that we injured your minor daughter she’s your and its your problem.God Bless
I believe it. The sad thing is the contradictions in how these cases are treated.
12 years old? That’s very sad. It’s just horrible that it’s now happening at that age.

I wrote a story about the school systems which basically epitomized everything bad in the school systems and demonstrates what will likely become of school, and consequently, society, if reform is not done. Anyway, one of the things which our main character encounters is a 12-year old girl with a baby, and that was suppossed to be the ultimate dystopia scenario. I guess the future isn’t so far off. I ask you all to pray for this girl, and for all other girls like her out there.

Back to the topic, legally isn’t an issue. If you’re in hell, who cares if you’ve never been in prison.

Morally speaking, I think the issue here is, does the girl honor her parents and commit murder, or does she disobey her parents and preserve the life within her? It’s already obvious that the parents themselves are doing a horrible thing.

A more general question should be asked. If your parents make you do something immoral, do you uphold the “Honor thy father and mother” commandment or do you avoid the sin, and disobey your parents?
Lisa4 posted this:"The parents lost:rolleyes: They basically said regardless if we didn’t have your permission,regardless of the fact that we injured your minor daughter she’s your and its your problem.God Bless

This something I say was WRONG. I cannot understand it.

If a H.S. teacher hit a student at school and broke his glasses and eye what would the result of a suit against the teacher be?

It seems very nearly the same thing to me, but the M.D. it would seem would be more liable…Beam me up Scotty!

*Can a parent force a child into an abortion? I think that depends up on the judge, if it got to court. NATURAL LAW and MORAL LAW would tell us a parent cannot force an ABORTION. But maybe half the judges are amoral.

I ask: Can a parent force a teenager to take Lithium for a Bipolar condition if the Lithium caused weight gain?
Adam Costanzo:

A more general question should be asked. If your parents make you do something immoral, do you uphold the “Honor thy father and mother” commandment or do you avoid the sin, and disobey your parents?
Honoring your mother and father is important but you can’t be irrational with obeying it. Obviously, if a parent is telling you to kill someone (born or preborn) you are going to disobey your parents if you feel that your Father is calling you to value this life. When God said “Honor thy mother and father” I am pretty certain he didn’t mean even at the expense of your faith and your morals.

I don’t mean that to sound as if I support throwing away God’s commandments to suit your lifestyle or w/e…I am horrible putting my thoughts into words :confused:

As for legally forcing your daughter to get an abortion, I don’t know if that is or isn’t possible but knowing the world we live in, it probably is legal 😦 If it isn’t, I would say that parent’s’ coercing and brainwashing is enough to change a girl’s mind, especially if she values her parents’ opinions and trusts them…

Abortion is always a grave sin. “it is never lawful, even for the gravest reasons, to do evil that good may come of it.” (Paul VI Humanae Vitae). if Bin Laden said to you “if you have an abortion, I’ll turn myself in to the US” you shouldn’t do it
I would say that parent’s’ coercing and brainwashing is enough to change a girl’s mind, especially if she values her parents’ opinions and trusts them…
Devyn, I couldn’t agree more. Most 12 year old girls are not going to be able to stand against determined parents, particularly given that her morals have been formed by those same parents. The law could make it illegal for the parents to force her to get an abortion, but it would be a hard law to enforce.
Ironic the word “choice” is used to describe an abortion when some people try to force it on pregnant girls! Where’s the choice in a forced abortion?

The fourth comandment says to honor your father and mother. God chose to use the word “honor”, not the word “obey”. It dishonors a parent when their child does evil, and abortion is evil. Abortion destroys the grandchild, and destroying someone’s grandchild is hardly a way to show honor to that person!

Parents may try to force their daughter to abort. This might be the ultimate act of child abuse! It wounds the daughter and kills their grandchild, all in the same act. If a pregnant minor really wants to honor her parents, she will save her parents from the grave sin that they want to commit.

Catholic thought: Jesus saved His mother from sin. A child can save the parents from sin. What a great way to honor one’s parents!
Ironic the word “choice” is used to describe an abortion when some people try to force it on pregnant girls! Where’s the choice in a forced abortion?

The fourth comandment says to honor your father and mother. God chose to use the word “honor”, not the word “obey”. It dishonors a parent when their child does evil, and abortion is evil. Abortion destroys the grandchild, and destroying someone’s grandchild is hardly a way to show honor to that person!

Parents may try to force their daughter to abort. This might be the ultimate act of child abuse! It wounds the daughter and kills their grandchild, all in the same act. If a pregnant minor really wants to honor her parents, she will save her parents from the grave sin that they want to commit.

Catholic thought: Jesus saved His mother from sin. A child can save the parents from sin. What a great way to honor one’s parents!
Hear, hear! I like that, good word choice there.

And yes, they can MAKE you. It’s been done and it’ll happen again. It’s a very sad thing. They’re killing their grandchild, whether they wish to believe it, or not.
:mad: I would LOVE to see a minor go get a pro-life lawyer and fight that situation! This “pro-choice” mess is a contradiction.On one hand its “okay” for a minor without permission to get one, on the other hand a parent can make a minor get one against her will,sounds like “choice” to me:rolleyes: God Bless
I don’t think a girl determined to carry her child would need a lawyer. She needs prayer, lots and lots of prayer. I’m pretty sure in the U.S. that parents can NOT legally force their daughter to have an abortion. I believe a pregnant minor is considered an “emancipated infant” or something like that which gives her legal rights over the pregnancy.

But what’s legal is often different from what’s actually done. If a parent makes the appointment and drives the pregnant girl to the abortionist, she may numbly follow the wishes of her parents, thinking she can do nothing else. It’s so sad.

As to the argument that the girl’s parents will raise the child and should therefore have the choice, if the baby were placed up for adoption, it would not be the girl’s parents raising the child.

In my parish we have a “spiritual adoption” program which offers prayers for nine months. We pray the following:
“Oh infant Jesus, I love you and thank you for your unconditional love. I plead with you to save the life of the unborn child that I have spiritually adopted. May this child be allowed to grow in wisdom, age and strength in Your sight and the sight of all. May this child’s parents find the support they need to know and do Your Father’s will, and to grow in holiness as this child grows. Mary and St. Joseph, please pray for this child’s parents and for all children in their mother’s wombs that all families may be holy. Amen.”
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