What do you mean, “make things up?”
After all, didn’t Jesus speak in parables? What ARE parables, anyway? They are stories. What are stories? Why, they are “made up” tales.
Jesus “made up” the Pharisee and the tax collector. Jesus “made up” the Good Samaritan. Jesus “made up” the Prodigal Son and his father.
But what did He “make them up” FROM?
Did Pharisees exist? Sure they did. Did some of them have pretty large egos? Yep.
Did tax collectors exist? Yes indeedy. Were some of them sinners? Were some of them SORRY for being sinners? Uh-huh.
Did good people live in Samaria? Of course–there are good, and bad, people EVERYWHERE.
Did some children make wrong decisions, live immoral lives, regret it, and come back to apologize to their parents? Sure. Did some of the parents forgive those children? Yes.
So, just what are you claiming was “made up?” The seven deadly sins? What, you think a Pope “pulled them out of his hat?”
Do pride, envy, lust, gluttony, sloth, hatred and anger not exist?
Were they INVENTED by the Pope?
Are there sins that you think are MORE deadly? Are these just “little piddly things” not worth worrying about?
Let’s see. Pride–Jesus talked about that a lot. (Pharisees). Envy–hey, that too. Lust–yep, he talked about that (committing adultery). Gluttony-hello, rich man and Lazarus. Sloth–woe to Jerusalem. Hatred–let’s see, who was crucified? Anger–I believe Jesus even whipped the moneychangers from the temple.
And what “Catholic rule” do we have about the 7 deadly sins? Not to do them–JUST them? Forget anything else? I think not.
I think you need to do some SERIOUS research into what you THINK the Catholic Church is, and what it does or doesn’t teach. Might I recommend Father John Hardin’s short Catechism of the Catholic Church–it’s clear, concise, and easy to understand.
God bless.