I wouldn’t go so far as calling our reality dark. Our reality is wonderful, full of life and limitless possibilities. So far, we’ve spent the last 10,000 years exploring one planet, in one solar system, in one tiny part of one of the millions of galaxies in our universe. There is so much out there for us to discover, to explore, and to learn; and I think God gave that to us as a gift; a small taste of the wonders that await us after the Resurrection.
This reality is real, it is our reality, and it is important to us. We must learn about it because everything we know about it tells us something about the one who created it. We can learn about it through study, observation, and honest reflection. I agree, we can’t look to the media, or really even to our educational system, to teach us about reality any more, but that doesn’t mean is has become unknowable, it only means that we have to work harder and be more discerning in our efforts.
God created our reality, and our reality is essentially good. We’ve certainly created a lot of evil within it, but that doesn’t change the fundamental nature of creation. God is also rational and ordered, which means that reality, as a reflection of His will, is also rational and ordered. This means that it is knowable. We’ll never know everything this side of eternity, this universe is simply too vast for that amount of knowledge to ever be full understood; but that doesn’t make the pursuit meaningless or impossible; it just means that there will always be something new to discover!