Can saints get your attention?

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Can saints get your attention? The first saint I ever read about was St. Joan of Arc when I was in high school back in 2000. There was just something about her that grabbed my attention. It was a poster that was hanging on one of the classroom walls with her on it that said something like “Joan of Arc saved France” or something like that. Usually when you see something like that, you don’t care but when I saw that, it got my attention. Then I started reading about her, etc. and at that time, I was even thinking about Catholic or whatnot! And to this day, she still has a place in my heart!

Is this possible or is it just luck?
I’ve told this story many times before – how my patron saint found me.

Near the end of RCIA, I needed to pick a saint for confirmation – and I wanted this decision to be the right one.

Went into a Barnes and Noble to look for a book of saints, and picked up the Oxford Dictionary of Saints. When I opened it up, there on the page was St. John the Dwarf (I have dwarfism). After reading about this hermit, I knew that he was picking me!
Paris Blues:
Yes, but is it luck or is it possible???
I think it is possible - that a saint is praying for us, and the Holy Spirit will guide us to get to know that Saint. If we ask the Holy Spirit to guide us to the right job, spouse, etc. - why not ask to be guided to a Saint who is praying for you?
Dear friend

There are NO co-incidences in life, none whatsoever, everything happens for a reason and God’s Will enables all to happen both good and bad, the good He makes happen, the bad He allows to happen and all for the santification and redemption of our souls in His Son Christ Jesus.

It is hoped that in everyone’s life they find a home in Christ for their spirituality, just as all personalities are differing so are our paths in Christ Jesus and we all need to work out our spirituality. If you are drawn towards St Joan of Arc then you have to work out what it is about her that attracts you, what particular charism of her spirituality, possibly her ‘soldier’ nature for Christ Jesus, to fight battles that seem hopeless but surmountable and possible in God, that doesn’t mean starting wars, but it may be a war of the PEN! (In my Father’s house there are many mansions) This is a draw to find your spirituality, your particular way of following Christ within His Catholic Church, this may well be Joan of Arc, just as some are drawn to St Therese, St Benedict etc and find their peace and home in Christ within these charisms

Pray and ask God what He wants of you and then ‘do whatever He tells you’

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Paris Blues, did you name this thread," ** Can saints get your attention?** "?

Do you mean IS IT POSSIBLE that if a saint walked up to you that saint would get your attention? It would seem to me that if Any Saint contacted me, it would get my undivided attention.
Can Saints get your attention? You bet after reading" Story of a Soul", I began my quest to read as many books possible on the different Saints. The Saints have been instrumental in my increasing devotion to the Lord. They are extroverts, introverts, smart, and learing disabled. I believe they speak to us all in different ways. I know I go to the Saints to see how they handled different sitautions in their lives. The Saints give me HOPE!
Can Saints get you attention? Absolutely! After reading ‘Story of a Soul’, St. Therese talked to me loudly about turning my life and will over to the Lord. I then began to read about the different lives of Saints, each speaking to me in a different way. The Saints I believe were very instrumental on my conversion to a deeper faith with the Lord. I believe the Saints have something to offer for any one looking to increase their devotion to the Lord. The Saints come from all walks of life. Which during my struggles I find comfort in how they handled certain situations that are most similar to my own!
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