Can some one answer this question

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First I think I need to give you some back ground.
I was saved at the age of 18 and became a catholic. I was married in the catholic church. I was only married for seven years. I devorced and I remarried another woman. I had a wake -up call from God about a year ago at the age of 42. I surrendered my all to God. I had never done this before. After doing this my eyes were opened to all the sin I was a slave to for so many years and all the wrong decisions I had done in my life. I asked for forgiveness of my sin.
For the first time in my live I started going to church a non-denominal. For the first time I started reading the word of God. For the first time in my life I have opened my heart up to God. For the first time in my life I started praying daily. I could go on and on.
The Question is can I ever attend a catholic church again and take communion. Thanks for your help. Eric
First I think I need to give you some back ground.
I was saved at the age of 18 and became a catholic. I was married in the catholic church. I was only married for seven years. I devorced and I remarried another woman. I had a wake -up call from God about a year ago at the age of 42. I surrendered my all to God. I had never done this before. After doing this my eyes were opened to all the sin I was a slave to for so many years and all the wrong decisions I had done in my life. I asked for forgiveness of my sin.
For the first time in my live I started going to church a non-denominal. For the first time I started reading the word of God. For the first time in my life I have opened my heart up to God. For the first time in my life I started praying daily. I could go on and on.
The Question is can I ever attend a catholic church again and take communion. Thanks for your help. Eric
Yes but you need to go to confeesion:) I am glad you read the Bible,but do you remember the part when Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on the Apostes and says to THEM go and forgive mens sins,whose sins you forgive are forgiventhem whose sins you hold bound are held bound:) Also I would suggest you get a Catechism and read it so you can understand what you did not understand before you left:nope: You may want to look into an anullment as well,talk to a priest about it.🙂
You need to go to confession and have your 1st marriage annulled before going to communion. If the 1st marriage is valid (not able to be annulled) then you can STILL be Catholic, just not able to recieve communion (or, able to recieve communion, but you must live with your wife as brother and sister, with her permission, of course)

God bless you! Come home!
There are two things here. The Church will always welcome you back. Its like a parent that is waiting for their child to return. They will not turn anyone away. If you are just refering to the fact that you have sinned exceedingly and you have been going to another church, yes, you just need to go to confession and then you can recieve The Eucharist because you have already recieved all the sacraments of initiation, namely Baptism, the Eucharist, and Confirmation.

If, however, you are speaking in reference to your second marriage, I don’t know. I don’t know the details and whether you have gotten an annullment. If you have gotten an annullment you can recieve the Eucharist once you go to confession. If you have not gotten an annullment, then the Church still recognizes your first marriage as being valid. I don’t know all the details about this, so I would suggest that you speak to a preist about it.
You have received some great advise. There is nothing I can add. However, set up an appointment with the pastor of the Catholic church in your area for reconciliation and for direction regarding your previous marriage. The Eucharist is worth everything…so waste no time in this! God bless you!
Any orthodox priest would advise against receiving Communion after remarriage if the previous marriage hadn’t been investigated and declared null (no force on earth can annul a consummated marriage – it can only be investigated for nullity and declared so). He would tell you to stop sexual relations with your wife until your previous marriage were investigated. If invalid, you could convalidate your current marriage. If valid, you would have to as a brother and sister with your current wife so long as the previous one lived in order to be able to receive Communion.
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