Yeah i whould like to ask about something what i learned currently what i never before knew
and that was that murmuring grumbling complaining can be sin that s new for me what i learned i never even knew this was a sin yet its good that i learned so that i can fight this
alright could enyone please explain to me example of murmuring of course it can be silent you talk to yourself or it can be complaining etc
yet we must be aware we mumur correct or when we complain
yet where does here draw a line in murmuring and complaining that s first question
second question is murmuring and complaining venial sin or mortal or how can we understand what s what and i know if we are not aware we do it it can be venial yet again its good quesiton to understand
third question can you give me example of murmuring and complaining in action please?
for example if we talk how people are acting this and that
today complaining about the weather how bad it is
something doesnt work well
we are angry at someone because this and that
or saying how everything hurts by doing nothing about it or fix ourself
is that example of complaining?
thank you for reading when you read my questions and examples
please take your time with answering remember be quick to hear but slow to speak!
and that was that murmuring grumbling complaining can be sin that s new for me what i learned i never even knew this was a sin yet its good that i learned so that i can fight this
alright could enyone please explain to me example of murmuring of course it can be silent you talk to yourself or it can be complaining etc
yet we must be aware we mumur correct or when we complain
yet where does here draw a line in murmuring and complaining that s first question
second question is murmuring and complaining venial sin or mortal or how can we understand what s what and i know if we are not aware we do it it can be venial yet again its good quesiton to understand
third question can you give me example of murmuring and complaining in action please?
for example if we talk how people are acting this and that
today complaining about the weather how bad it is
something doesnt work well
we are angry at someone because this and that
or saying how everything hurts by doing nothing about it or fix ourself
is that example of complaining?
thank you for reading when you read my questions and examples
please take your time with answering remember be quick to hear but slow to speak!