Can the laity wear full monastic scapulars with hoods?

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I hope I chose the correct thread to post this in (vocations).

I was wondering though if the laity can wear (in VERY private devotions or prayer) full monastic scapulars with hoods?
I know that the hood is to help with focusing during prayer as a blinder helps a horse focus on the path ahead. I couldn’t really find anything about this, so really anything would be great because this potentially could help in my vocation.

Thank you and God bless 🙂
I’m not sure, but you shouldn’t do anything in public that might lead people to think that you are a monk if you are not a monk. That being said, if it isn’t in public, Then I see no problem.
I have not heard of any specific prohibition on this.
I’m not sure, but you shouldn’t do anything in public that might lead people to think that you are a monk if you are not a monk. That being said, if it isn’t in public, Then I see no problem.
I have not heard of any specific prohibition on this.
You may wish to ask the proper authority, e.g. the local superior of the order concerned. My guess is, since you mention the scapular, you may want to ask the Carmelites.

You probably will not be permitted to wear the full habit without taking some kind of vow. The full scapular may be permitted.
Or maybe even just a monastic-type long hood, once again in private devotion, to help focus on the prayer.
I just don’t want to do anything that would appear (even in private) that I was mocking the Church, or wearing something that I shouldn’t be wearing as a member of the laity (like a priest’s collar).
Among the Benedictines, the scapular isn’t worn until the novitiate. It seems strange to me that a layperson would wear clothing that a new monk isn’t even allowed to wear.

I know you mean well, but dressing up like someone you’re not doesn’t seem like a good idea.
Among the Benedictines, the scapular isn’t worn until the novitiate. It seems strange to me that a layperson would wear clothing that a new monk isn’t even allowed to wear.

I know you mean well, but dressing up like someone you’re not doesn’t seem like a good idea.
I, with all due respect to the OP, agree with these comments completely.
You may wish to ask the proper authority, e.g. the local superior of the order concerned. My guess is, since you mention the scapular, you may want to ask the Carmelites.

You probably will not be permitted to wear the full habit without taking some kind of vow. The full scapular may be permitted.
We have three different sizes of scapulars that we wear.
1> 1 3/4 x 1 1/4
2> 5 1/2 x 3 1/2
3> 5 1/2 x 7 1/4
The first two can be worn under your clothing, the largest is a ceremonial scapular worn
at meetings and Carmelite funerals.
We are permitted to be buried in our habit, the only time we can wear one!
Thank you all so much for you comments!!

I have been praying about it and have kind of been moved to think that this could be the Holy Spirit putting these desires in my heart to maybe help me realize my vocation.
Maybe I’m being called to monastic life :confused:
This is what I do. I also wear my Lay Dominican pin, and ppl have become accustomed to me wearing this “get-up”.

Our private lay associations, if eremitical in nature, wear hoodies.

whats a lay association? and nice i <3 the Dominicans
I believe the OP is asking about wearing a monastic scapular, not a devotional scapular (terms per wikipedia). That being said, referencing Carmelites could be confusing here as they are associated with both types of scapulars.
I hope I chose the correct thread to post this in (vocations).

I was wondering though if the laity can wear (in VERY private devotions or prayer) full monastic scapulars with hoods?
I know that the hood is to help with focusing during prayer as a blinder helps a horse focus on the path ahead. I couldn’t really find anything about this, so really anything would be great because this potentially could help in my vocation.

Thank you and God bless 🙂
I’d love to have a couple, but have you priced them? You can wear whatever you need to in private. There’s a Catholic site that actually sells prayer shawls, like half a robe with hood. Be great for adoration, but only in winter when you could pass it off as normal garb.

I have a pashmati prayer shawl, works just fine, if I wear it (winter again) no one thinks a thing about it. Mostly I use it at home.
whats a lay association? and nice i <3 the Dominicans
a lay association is an association of the faithful who share a common apostolate and have rules for living that way of life while in the lay state. the faithful can belong to as many lay associations as they want. Priests for Life is an example of a clerical lay association. Lay associations can be just laity; just priests; or both. Non-Catholics belong at the discretion of the moderators.


To Cloisters:
The information you gave concerning Lay Associations may be a bit confusing to some.

There is a distinction between an association, ie: Sodality, Knights of Columbus, Marian Helpers, Apostles of Divine Mercy etc.and Third Orders. It is true that one may belong to as many Associations as they like but a person may belong to only one (1) Religious Order. Third Order members are actually members of a Religious Order.

For instance, I am a Third Order Carmelite. I may not belong to any other Religious Order, just the same as a Jesuit may not also be a Dominican. A Diocesan Priest may belong to a Third Order if he should choose to, and many do.

I may belong to an Association with permission of my Director, providing it does not interfere with my duties as a Carmelite.

As for wearing a scapular in private. Unless it is specifically prohibited by your Director or Prior you are usually allowed to wear what you would like in your private prayer. I wear a cincture to remind me that I am a slave of Mary and Jesus.

I hope this helps clear things up.
folks can wear what they want in private, even the monastic hooded scapular.

as mentioned previously, i am a lay dominican. the lay associations without the intention of becoming institutes of religious life which my organization have founded are like third orders because they do much the same thing. ‘third order’, in this instance, is used just as ‘order’ is used for religious communities. the members of these private lay associations/‘third orders’ can become ‘dedicated’ laity, though.

in the event of someone being attracted to these private lay associations which we have founded, i advise them not to overdo it. they participate as they can, and it contributes greatly to the advancement of the group.

i was not deliberately trying to confuse. the laity have no idea that they can do this, and most people are under the impression that pre-reformation procedurals of three supportive priests and a bishop’s permission is necessary. not so under today’s canon law.

sorry for the lack of caps. surprised i got this far using the droid.

I have a full Carmelite habit from when I was in a now disbanned Carmelite Community for 9 years. My Spiritual Director had said that if it helps with Prayer and Meditation, then by all means wear it, but not out in Public. My life is pretty much like an inner-city Hermit who works part-time in a secular job. To become official, one has to follow through on Canon Law #603.

I never made it to final vows, but I am trying to live up to the simple vows that I made before 2005, and I do so within my heart, between me and God til the day I can make it truly official.

My Spiritual Director told me that I will recieve a beautiful white Carmelite Habit in Heaven.👍
I wear the brown scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel since I was enrolled in the co-fraternity of the brown scapular. Its just the small one that goes under your shirt. I am thinking of joining the Dominicans, and I read that you cannot wear a habit if you are part of the laity unless you are part of a Third Order and are dead.
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