I have been doing some private arguments and justifications with my once philosophy teacher, who happens to be a Protestant pastor. He tells me all justification should be found in the Bible Itself alone, that you do not need any institution to tell you what is right and wrong. Furthermore, he tells me that "the church did have the written scriptures from the beginning in the form of the Old Testament and within one generation the letters of the NT were circulating. To try and discredit the scriptures and make it sound like we need the Catholic Church to fill in what you claim is missing is out and out heresy. II Timothy 3:16-17 clearly states **“**All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” Anything the church does, be it Catholic or any other must work in light of scripture and in unison with scripture, not to add to scripture with “tradition” that adds various doctrines that directly contradict scripture.
I honestly believe you need the Catholic Church for truth and salvation. How do I tell it in terms that Protestant could undestand? How can I justify ‘Tradition’ to a Protestant? Can there be salvation for a fervent Protestant who contradicts and condemns the Catholic Church by arguments, writings, and teachings? It was blasphemous for me even to read his chronicles condeming the teachings of the Church. Nevertheless, his intentions were not that ‘to destroy the Catholic Church.’ Can this be justified?
I honestly believe you need the Catholic Church for truth and salvation. How do I tell it in terms that Protestant could undestand? How can I justify ‘Tradition’ to a Protestant? Can there be salvation for a fervent Protestant who contradicts and condemns the Catholic Church by arguments, writings, and teachings? It was blasphemous for me even to read his chronicles condeming the teachings of the Church. Nevertheless, his intentions were not that ‘to destroy the Catholic Church.’ Can this be justified?