Can thoughts become true? OCD / Anxiety sufferer

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I would appreciate kindness and understanding, no harsh words or criticism. Does anyone suffer the following?
For a while, every day, I get these thoughts in my brain in my voice that curse God and my loved ones. I don’t want these thoughts at all and I don’t desire to curse anyone. These thoughts just enter my mind and I suffer great anxiety and fear that they could come true. I take medication for anxiety but I’m waiting for it to kick in more. The thoughts say this verbatim. Trigger warning: they might frighten you, so read with caution. I’m putting them way at the bottom for those who want to avoid reading them.

The thoughts are like this:
“May the L-rd c*rse y-ou, name of person“
“C-rse y-ou, name of person”
“C-rse y-ou” directed at First Person and Second Person of the Trinity.

I’ve never personally spoken these words or recall ever deliberately thinking or desiring these things. They just repeat over and over in my mind throughout the day. Anyone get these same thoughts?
Thoughts cannot be true unless you act on them or accept them. Im also trying to say the opposite of what the thoughts are saying like when I hear these curses in my mind I often pray and tell God how good and kind He is. When Im having these evil thoughts I do the opposite by praising Jesus and all His love and mercy on us. When your thoughts keep on cursing God keep on praising God. We all have freewill, what matters is what we choose to do. Thoughts can be manipulated by the enemy but fight it with the truth. God has given us the power over ourselves thats why we have freewill. Ignoring these pest thoughts is the key for it to stop and also, nonstop praying. When you feel frustrated offer it to Jesus, I often pray: “Lord, Im having these rebellious thoughts again. I detest these thoughts and Im banishing the evil one in Jesus Christ name. I give You oh Lord these sufferings and frustrations as sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and for the sanctification of our souls”. Remember you are not alone in experiencing these things. Never stop praying everyday and make sure that you offer it all to God. Depend on God always and never give up. Just ignore it the best you can and you’ll see the evil thoughts will leave you. Remember what the bible says, “Submit to the Lord, resist the devil and the devil will flee.” Just dont pay attention to these thoughts, they are just like flies of lies that needed to be swatted. May God bless you and to all people who are suffering same as ours.
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Angelo has given you great advice. In addition to that, remember (and tell yourself) :" These thoughts are NOT me!" Do this every time you have intrusive thoughts.

Replace them by saying the opposite: “May God bless you, (insert name)”

I read that if there’s any way you could LAUGH at the thoughts, the brain finds a way out of the cycle. Hard to do, but you could think of ridiculous accents, voices, etc. Give it a try. My daughter is tormented by the same, you are not alone.

As far as treatment, anxiolytics can help some, but therapy is key.

I’ll pray for you.
This is all good advice.

Look, if you were having strange flashes in your vision, or you saw floaters in your eyes, or you heard ringing in your ears, or you suddenly had dizziness, would you take that as being something happening out in the world for real? Or would you think to yourself, “My body is malfunctioning, and it’s hurting my senses”?

Intrusive thoughts are not something that comes from your real self. They usually come from something malfunctioning that you did nothing to cause, and there are ways to get rid of them. So there’s no reason to feel guilty about them, any more than you would feel guilty about having dandruff.
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Intrusive thoughts of this type are an entirely standard symptom of OCD. It is a result of an imbalance in people’s electro-chemical processes affecting brain functioning. It is entirely physical in origin, whatever its expression. All this is standard science, easy to check out on the web. But all resources suggest you can’t think your way out of this. You need to see a medically-trained professional. If you seek religious advice hopefully the person advising you will suggest you get the psychological help you need and that has proven effective for hundreds of thousands of others facing what you face. Then you’ll be able to discuss any religious issues that arise.
Have you ever heard of the Jesus Prayer? Perhaps throughout the day, especially when these thoughts come to mind, quietly pray aloud “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Focus in the words of the Prayer with the desire for God’s help. Keep to this prayer often, even when the thoughts are quiet. I promise it will help in time. Yet do not cease with this practice even when you feel better.

Keep under the direction of a solid, trustworthy healthcare physician, and don’t forget to speak with your Priest about how you’re doing etc.

I pray God grant you healing.
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Absolutely normal for OCD-sufferers! While the message may be different, all obtrusive thoughts share common themes of being, well, yucky. I have heard folks tend to have two or three main “themes” to their intrusive thoughts that they’ll toggle among throughout their lifetime. Cleanness (both moral & physical) tends to be a very common topic. Others have given fabulous advice about ignoring the intrusive thoughts. They can feel “wanted/chosen/willed” because they are so darn persistent. It just takes knowing yourself and admitting this is how your brain works and that it is NOT your choice or preference to be plagued in this way! No one would wish for intrusive thoughts - obviously! But of course the thoughts may tell you otherwise. 😉 Just don’t engage “yourself” in mental conversation about it. The best practice is to ignore. The thoughts often scream louder as you ignore - like an incoming tide threatening to drown you! But they are all bark and no bite. Move gently on with your life and the “tide” will eventually go back out again. Can you see an OCD specialist??
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