Hey guys,
In my philosophy class I was assigned the topic “Can virtue be taught?” for my paper. I would like to know your thoughts. Thanks.
It certainly can. Ideally, the parents, or parent, should be the primary teacher of right and wrong. Children are just not born with an automatic desire to learn right from wrong. The other important aspect is having people around that practice virtuous behavior, like relatives, neighbors and even friends. Young minds do not get an adult’s understanding of their actions but do tend to imitate good behavior. Then we add teachers, who should model good behaviors.
On the negative side: We have a media that distorts what could be good and adds elements of bad to very bad behaviors. Kids need to be guided toward virtue and away from the bad so parents need to watch what they watch and read what they read, especially with the internet. That includes placing limits on what they can read, see and hear, and telling them, according to their age: “No, that’s bad.” to (as they get older) “That’s bad and here’s why.” Even when going shopping, there are magazine covers that make me think “If that was my daughter, I would give her a good talk about proper behavior, clothes and attitude.” Generally, as a child goes into puberty and his early teens, he is experiencing some feelings that need to be understood.
Others can have their say about what’s right and wrong, but as a parent, your kids are your kids, not somebody else’s. Instilling virtue is very important when they’re young, because as they practice it, it will help them as they grow older to do virtuous things as if it were second nature.