Assuming that science sees some benefits from the stem cell lines already in existence (embryos already killed), can we morally do the research and accept the benefits? I have heard Jimmy Akin argue “yes” a couple of times, since history is riddled with atrocities that go on to produce benefits.
My question is thus: if a future pro-abort president lifts the federal funds ban on new embryonic destruction (God help us), would the research on already existing cell lines (embryos already killed) then become illicit? As I follow Jimmy’s logic, the practical application has changed, therefore we would now be formally or materially participating in the killing if we supported this research. Likewise, research on current privately funded embryonic lines would be illicit since that would encourage further destruction.
Am I correct on this? Does anyone know of a semi-official Church position on these questions, or a position from Jimmy or Karl?
My question is thus: if a future pro-abort president lifts the federal funds ban on new embryonic destruction (God help us), would the research on already existing cell lines (embryos already killed) then become illicit? As I follow Jimmy’s logic, the practical application has changed, therefore we would now be formally or materially participating in the killing if we supported this research. Likewise, research on current privately funded embryonic lines would be illicit since that would encourage further destruction.
Am I correct on this? Does anyone know of a semi-official Church position on these questions, or a position from Jimmy or Karl?