This is not a question about whether being Pro-Choice is compatible with the Church’s teaching (it isn’t). It is not a question about respecting people who are Pro-Choice (I believe everyone’s human dignity deserves respect, regardless of their views, sins, etc).
This is a question about being Pro-Life and at the same time respecting the Pro-Choice views. In other words, is it a respectable view?
I discussed this with my wife, and she asked me what respecting a view means. My answer would be: I respect a view X if when thinking about a person holding view X I don’t think there’s something deeply wrong with that person, going beyond the possible error, wrong, or evil contained in view X itself.
For example, I don’t respect racist or fascist views. If I meet someone with such views, I will think there’s something deeply wrong with that person - their personality, reason, etc, more than just that he or she has this erroneous and dangerous view. (Important: I’ll still try very hard to respect the person.)
So, given such a definition, for myself I’m inclined to respect the Pro-Choice views. I think for someone who doesn’t have the faith and is Pro-Choice, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something deeply wrong with their personality or reason. In my view, without the faith, it’s quite easy for the reason of an average person living in our times, sincerely trying to live well, and without harming others to arrive at the conclusion that abortion in the first trimester should be allowed.
What do you think?
I think this question has significant implications: I am willing to talk with people holding views I respect with sincerity and openness, whereas I’m very much suspicious of deeper conversations with people holding racist/fascist views, with much disbelief in their ability to reason well.
This is not a question about whether being Pro-Choice is compatible with the Church’s teaching (it isn’t). It is not a question about respecting people who are Pro-Choice (I believe everyone’s human dignity deserves respect, regardless of their views, sins, etc).
This is a question about being Pro-Life and at the same time respecting the Pro-Choice views. In other words, is it a respectable view?
I discussed this with my wife, and she asked me what respecting a view means. My answer would be: I respect a view X if when thinking about a person holding view X I don’t think there’s something deeply wrong with that person, going beyond the possible error, wrong, or evil contained in view X itself.
For example, I don’t respect racist or fascist views. If I meet someone with such views, I will think there’s something deeply wrong with that person - their personality, reason, etc, more than just that he or she has this erroneous and dangerous view. (Important: I’ll still try very hard to respect the person.)
So, given such a definition, for myself I’m inclined to respect the Pro-Choice views. I think for someone who doesn’t have the faith and is Pro-Choice, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something deeply wrong with their personality or reason. In my view, without the faith, it’s quite easy for the reason of an average person living in our times, sincerely trying to live well, and without harming others to arrive at the conclusion that abortion in the first trimester should be allowed.
What do you think?
I think this question has significant implications: I am willing to talk with people holding views I respect with sincerity and openness, whereas I’m very much suspicious of deeper conversations with people holding racist/fascist views, with much disbelief in their ability to reason well.