Can We Impeach the Pope? No, But Let's Pray for Him

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Can the cardinals do it? Can the bishops do it? . . . No, because a Pope leaves office only by freely resigning or dying (cf. Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, no. 22)

But, we can all . . . speak out in charity and pray. . . .

We must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5)

Use your conscience. Do the good that you see to do. Silence is often interpreted as assent. Right is right. Wrong is wrong.
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God can impeach a pope. I think that’s about it.

If you are seriously thinking about this, I urge you to reconsider. You’ve probably read sensational and misleading articles about Pope Francis. Stop following that crap.
Even if there existed such an institution as impeachment in the Church, the Pope hasn’t done anything impeachable. What he did, possibly without meaning to, was to attract worldwide attention to the fact that the Catholic Church remains opposed to civil unions for homosexual couples. Nothing wrong with that.
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pray for him.

May Almighty God bless Pope Francis.

From Mary’s Magnificat in Luke 1:
     Holy is his name. 
     His mercy is from age to age 
     to those who fear him. 
     He has shown might with his arm, 
     dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart. 
     He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones 
     but lifted up the lowly. 
     The hungry he has filled with good things.
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I find the Pope is a great grace because he has made it easier to see clearly the consequences of “aggionamento” which were previously obscured. The “hermeneutic of continuity” is dead, thanks to him. I see that as a good thing and part of God’s plan to put the church back on track.

It’s as if an aspirin had been masking the pain. Now one can feel the pain but that helps the healing to begin.

Also Pope Francis has in effect rehabilitated SSPX which his predecessors failed to do.

We traditionalists have much for which to be grateful to Francis and I pray g do or him every day.
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Love and care can be given to homosexual people but so can the call to repent.

In 2003, in a document approved by Pope John Paul II and written by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who became Pope Benedict XVI, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith taught that “respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behaviour or to legal recognition of homosexual unions".

““Legal recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of deviant behaviour, with the consequence of making it a model in present-day society, but would also obscure basic values which belong to the common inheritance of humanity”.
Two things:
  1. The Church is structured as an absolute monarchy. Absolute monarchs are not ‘impeached’. Even in the US system the consequences of impeachment followed by a guilty finding re unclear.
  2. The Pope in his interview referenced a political position he took as an Archbishop, pivoting to support for civil unions as an alternative to the proposed institution of gay marriage. It is pretty clear he opposed both, but one a lot more.
For clarity, in case someone says I am hiding my own beliefs: I’m in favour of civil unions as the legal standard for all couples and opposed to state involvement in marriage. But if we are to have state involvement in marriage the sex of the partners should be of no concern. I appreciate this is not the Catholic position. But I am not a Catholic.
Use your conscience. Do the good that you see to do. Silence is often interpreted as assent. Right is right. Wrong is wrong.
I like some of your comments. It sounds as though you are conservative.
But let me ask – how are you aligned politically regarding the upcoming presidential election? And are you at all familiar with Sean Hannity?

For years Mr. Hannity has been a faithful proponent of president Trump, no matter what.
Even when the president’s comments seem irrational or are taken out of context (“veterans are a bunch of losers/suckers”, “try injecting bleach”, etc.), Sean stands by fearlessly and defends the president.

In the same way, perhaps we should try to become like little “Sean Hannitys” whenever we think about or discuss our pope…
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I pray for the Pope daily, I’m thankful for him, and I hope God continues to bless him. All else is out of my hands.
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