Personally, I think that Nukes are unnecessarily powerful and destructive. Normal bombs blow up a specific area and cause damage but nuclear bombs leave that area uninhabitable for decades. Warfare should never about hurting civilians. You can argue that civilian deaths in war are unavoidable however we should put our utmost effort in to avoid it. Nuclear bombs do not decide who they will kill, innocent or guilty, all will die. The animals and the trees, they’ll die too. For what? Aren’t we suppose to love our neighbor? that was one of the most important commandments: love God and love neighbor.
From “Uranium: Twisting The Dragon’s Tail” | Chuck Penson from the Titan Missile Museum.
" The idea behind Titan 2 was to instill enough fear into the mind of the enemy to cause them to think twice about launching an attack against us (U.S.) knowing that ten meters below a desert in a fortified concrete bunker, we can ride out their first strike and live to retaliate… the consequences for the enemy would be so unspeakably horrible that maybe they would have preferred not to get to us in the first place. That’s the essence for deterrence".
Now, nuclear bombs are only there to prove that one is stronger than other. North Korea is doing the same thing with their uranium enriching program. But instead of just a certificate that says “you are number 1”, the nuclear bombs can end all life on earth.
In my opinion, we cannot morally defend the existence of Nuclear Bombs, we just don’t need such incredible power in our deck and this world does not need worse to kill more of God’s children.