Can we share any wisdom a Priest has given you that changed a personal outcome?

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My own experience , Fr Joesph.

Our young son who suffers from server autism lives with his mother. We broke up before he was born. Oliver will need 24 hrs care his whole entire life. I am no saint and been honest with Fr.

The ex is very bitter and accused me of rape , abuse and you name it. It became so bad I had to get a court injunction against her. E en though I have paid the correct maintenance from birth.

My name is not on his birth certificate. It’s blank.

My Dad told me to walk away. My close friends have said the same. My fiancée for whom i have a child with has suffered greatly because of my past.

There’s only so much a person can take. One day the police came around saying I’ve been accused again of wrong doing (past events).

My spirit had finally broken down after years of fighting for simple things in a court room like parental responsibility and visiting rights 3 years .

I spoke to the Lord in prayer for guidance. He told me everything will be ok no matter whatever happens. He will watch over us.

But I couldn’t face not seeing my son again even though he can only lick me and cuddle me.

So I went to see Fr Joesph and explained everything. He took me in to his home and could see how distressed I was…

He asked what the lord had told me. I trust Fr completely. He doesn’t say much and had fewer words , quite serious really.

He said to me your son knows who you are. Even though in his present body he can not tell you. He knows you love him.

I never did give in and never will. Partly because it would hurt like hell not seeing our son but because I look forward to the day in resurrection we can speak and laugh together. Without all the hostility surrounding him.

Fr Joesph moved on last year from St Helens. I miss him dearly.
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Shortly after I became Catholic I was in complete despair and deep depression. I went to confession, but honestly not sure how I got there. Fr. B. said I needed to learn to forgive myself to truly surrender to God. I also remembered a Psalm from my confirmation, “His mercy endures forever.” That is now engraved on a cross I wear 24/7.
I am beyond grateful for the gift of the priesthood. Each priest I have met has a side of Christ which causes me to wonder about Jesus. Who is this Jesus? I have found Jesus in the sacraments and in the counsel I have received, through priests, for years now. I dare not ponder what sought of a life I would have had, if it wasn’t for the priesthood.
As a teenager the priests in my parish were gems of light. One priest gave me good guidance regarding the path of life Jesus was inviting me to follow. He said a very simple thing. “What is your dream for your life? That is God’s dream for you.” Well, I have been following that dream ever since. There have been days when the dream seemed like a nightmare, but that was usually when I refused to embrace the cross. Dreams only become real when you live their reality.
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Thank you, I pray for all children with difficultes and I wish your son well.
I can certainly relate to your post. Ones own guilt can be very damaging.
It was several years ago, just before Lent. The priest kept the homily very short. He asked ‘do you believe that God is present in the Eucharist’ , the assembly mumbled ‘yes, of course father’ so he said to all ‘if you truly believe that God is present here in the Holy Eucharist and that the same God that created the world is waiting for you in the Eucharist, just forget about giving up chocolate, drinking or smoking this Lent. I ask you instead to find the time to stop by the Tabernacle or come to Mass at least once in the weekdays during Lent’. That perspective changed my life of Faith deeply. Even in the darkest moment of my life I found in the Tabernacle strength and peace.
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I know a really fantastic priest. I used to be terrified of Confession. I called the priest and he said something so beautiful to me. " God is saying to you, I forgive you, you are my beloved Clare"
I had really good relationship with a priest in my home town. When one of my parents died, this priest went out of his way to help myself and my remaining parent. He counseled us both significantly. He helped us grieve and helped with the many logistics of this process and burial. He went out to lunch with me and we talked a great deal. My parent who died was not Catholic; however, this priest attended the service for my parent who died at a different Christian church. This priest was just there for my family…there is wisdom enough in just being there. I’m definitely grateful!

This process helped me see tremendous value in my Catholic faith and helped me to pay attention to my faith far more than I previously was.
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Pray more.

And when it comes to confession, be brief, be bold, be gone.
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