With all due respect, there are things that come up on here over and over. There will be threads sitting right on the “Latest” board directly addressing someone’s question and yet someone starts a new thread asking the exact same thing.
Before I post a question on a board I usually do a board search, or a Google search (Google brings up a lot of old CAF threads) and at least try to see if there has been anything addressing my question lately. Discourse also puts up a helpful “Your topic is similar to” when you are about to start a new thread. People just seem to ignore those however, and start new threads. So in many cases, people should do a little research.
When you get a response like “ask your spiritual director”, it’s an indication that what you are asking is best discussed with a priest or spiritual director. The endless “Is this a mortal sin?” posts are one example of a topic that nobody here is really equipped to speak to. What might be a mortal sin for one person in one circumstance might not be a mortal sin for somebody in another circumstance; in any event, we aren’t the final arbiters of that. Nor are we in a good position to be giving people advice about what to do with their spiritual lives - they really need a spiritual director for that. Also, a LOT of people who post on here seem to be suffering from scruples or other spiritual issues that they should be discussing one on one with a priest or spiritual director, not just offering up to a board of lay strangers for opinions.
I get the impression that people sometimes use this forum as a lazy way of finding out answers because it would be too much trouble to actually do some research or contact a spiritual director. There’s no harm in telling somebody to do these things if you think that’s what they should do. You’re also not guaranteed to get an answer that you want when you ask the forum. It’s kind of presumptuous of you to tell other people how they should answer just because you don’t like the answer you got.