of course you can’t! i just wanted to bring that point up because when other religions say that they can grant divorces they ar esaying that they can undo a sacrament! well then when someone says that to you just remain calm and use logic on them. ask them if they can be unbaptized? ask them if they recieved the “cracker” (which they hold as a symbol, which they ignorantly believe to be the equivalent of the Eucharist) if they can just regurgitate it anytime afetr eating it upon their own will.they can’t because it was already done. they can’t be unbaptized because it was already done. the can’t be un-married because it was ALREADY DONE! the point is that once God does something (a sacrament) it cannot be undone by men just like it says in the bible. so then you woul dask them where in the world they can show biblically (since they usually believe in sola scriptura) that divorce is ok. then when they realize they were wrong and they feel wierd and depressed or just plain out bad you tell them, " i know a cool little place that can make it alllllllllllll better" and then you point to the nearest Catholic Church! lol