Can you help me on the Schiavo issue?

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I want to email people, but I don’t know who has taken a stand against keeping Terry on the feeding/hydration tubes (I live in Nevada and I cannot find where Sen. Reid definitively did anything, which doesn’t surprise me). Also, if anyone could suggest what I might say in a coherent, firm way that doesn’t involve calling the person I’m writing to a really filthy name, I’d appreciate it. I’m not sad, I’m completely pissed off and I want to hurt someone. I know I can’t, so I may as well not indulge in name calling either. Help me out, I’m seething here.
There are some easy and constructive things you can do first. Go to this link. Scroll down to the posts. There you will find links to sites where you can sign a petition, vote on an MSNBC poll, write to people, and follow a number of options.

If everyone who has done the poll which I posted were to contact one discussion forum and one media organization per day, we would start to see some progress.

I don’t think there is much benefit to be had by shouting at our opponents. I think it is much wiser now to strengthen our own numbers and make our voices heard in the media.
I want to email people, but I don’t know who has taken a stand against keeping Terry on the feeding/hydration tubes (I live in Nevada and I cannot find where Sen. Reid definitively did anything, which doesn’t surprise me). Also, if anyone could suggest what I might say in a coherent, firm way that doesn’t involve calling the person I’m writing to a really filthy name, I’d appreciate it. I’m not sad, I’m completely pissed off and I want to hurt someone. I know I can’t, so I may as well not indulge in name calling either. Help me out, I’m seething here.
I am angry & frustrated, too…I have been distributing info on all the boards I post at for the entire afternoon.
It is not bad to be angry. It is only bad to let anger deflect us from doing whatever we can to help Terri.
Instead of :banghead: myself, I would like to :banghead: Terri’s husband & company. But that would not help. But I know how you feel!!
Just tell them that we do not starve people to death.

That is basically all you need to say. I cannot even imagine a rebuttal to that.

Everyone is talking about the “right to die” but that is only a smoke screen. We all know and agree that Terri is not dying, so the right to die argument doesn’t belong in this case.

What does belong is her “right to life”, and that is what nobody wants to talk about!

I too am angry and upset!
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