Can you remove medals from a blessed rosary?

  • Thread starter Thread starter kingmeatloaf
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I have a rosary that has some medals on it. They are a bit tacky for my taste, and a little noisy, since the beads are made of metal and I would like to remove them. But the rosary has been blessed with these medals on it, and I don’t want to commit a sacrilege. Is it licit to remove medals from a blessed Rosary, or am I just stuck with them until they wear out and fall off on their own?
You may remove them if they are not the center medal holding the Rosary together.
Remember that they too have probably been blessed, so you must treat them with respect if you take them off.
You can either wear them or otherwise use them for prayer, give them to another Catholic who will use them, or if you don’t want them at all, give them to your priest to deal with.
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That’s very helpful, thank you. Where do you find information like this?
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