Can you tell me about the deuterocanonical books?

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If I can find my bible, I might do some bible reading this Lent. However, I don’t like reading the books that the Protestants use. So can you please tell me what you know about the deutrocanonical books - which ones are they, what style are they written in (eg, like the prophets, or like historical stories, or whatever), what are they about, etc? Which deut book is your favorite, which would you recommend that I read?
If I can find my bible, I might do some bible reading this Lent. However, I don’t like reading the books that the Protestants use. So?
don’t understand this comment. All the books in a “Protestant” Bible are also in the Catholic Bible, which has a few more. Are you saying you reject the entire bible except the deutero-canonical books? Rejecting the OT was an early Church heresy that was vigorously opposed.
No, I don’t reject the other books, I accept that they are the inspired word of God and etc., OT and NT. I’d just rather read a book that is only in the Catholic bible - just a personal quirk of mine. Has anyone read Sirach, Maccabees, etc., what would you recommend to me?
Definately read Sirach! It’s also called the “Wisdom of Sirach”. I can’t imagine why anyone who reads this wouldn’t believe it was divinely inspired.

If I can find my bible, I might do some bible reading this Lent.

I will echo the respondent who said that everything in the Protestant Bible is also in the Catholic Bible.

That said, …

Tobit is a beautiful story, a romance.
Judith is high drama.
Wisdom (also called Wisdom of Solomon) is wisdom literature.
Sirach (also called Ecclesiasticus, not to be confused with Ecclesiastes, and also sometimes called the Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach) is also wisdom literature.
Baruch is prophecy, sort of a summary of Jeremiah.
I Maccabees is history.
II Maccabees is a prophetic interpretation of history.

My favorites? For a story, Tobit. For wisdom, Sirach. For history, I Maccabees.
  • Liberian
Read the book of Tobit- it’s short and easy to read, and it has a good message. Don’t neglect the other books though- they are just as important, and there is a great deal to learn from them.
No, I don’t reject the other books, I accept that they are the inspired word of God and etc., OT and NT. I’d just rather read a book that is only in the Catholic bible - just a personal quirk of mine. Has anyone read Sirach, Maccabees, etc., what would you recommend to me?
Read all of them. I happen to like Tobit the best. It’s historical background is 2 Kgs. 19, 2 Chr. 32, and Is. 36.
I found my bible (-:
It was just sitting on a shelf but for some reason never noticed it before when I was looking for it. Will read the book of Tobit for Lent and if I finish it, might start on Sirach. Thanks for the advice.
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